Imperialism 5th

By mpool4
  • Opium Wars

    Opium Wars
    China did not want the British importing opium. The British wanted to make a lot of money so the did it anyway, and war broke out and China lost
  • Sepoy Rebellion

    Sepoy Rebellion
    Indian soldiers were known as sepoys. They rebelled against the British and lost. As a result, the British tightened their grip on India
  • British Raj Founded

    British Raj Founded
    Queen Victoria became the Empress of India and renamed India the British Raj. This was the official sign that Britain had taken over India. Roads, railways, telegraph lines, schools, and hospitals were built, but the British also forced Indians to grow cotton instead of wheat, and you can't eat wheat.
  • David Livingston Found

    David Livingston Found
    David Livingston was an explorer in Africa and he had not been heard from in several years. Henry Morton Stanley was sent to find him. Stanley did find him, and they continued exploring together
  • Open Door Policy

    Open Door Policy
    This policy was created by the US and it opened up trade from China to all other nations. This was important because before this, China would not trade with anyone
  • Revolution of 1911

    Revolution of 1911
    Chinese peasants wanted a modern and independent country rebelled against the Qing dynasty and won their independence. This was significant because after thousands of years of the dynastic cycle, it all ended.
  • Panama Canal Built

    Panama Canal Built
    President Roosevelt built the canal connecting the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans, this was monumental because it was now wasy cheaper to ship goods and it made things way faster.