Jan 1, 1500
Conditions prior to Imperialism
Algeria's coast provided with protection that served as port cities since the Phoenicians. During 1500's, ports were brought under the controll of the ottoman Empire. -
The French in Algeria
The berber leader, Abd al-Kader fought France in 2 wars in 1832- 1834 and 1835-1837and became a major problem to France. The moroccan sultan helped Kader hide in Morocco and when France invaded Morocco in 1844, they capured him. The leader of Morocco, Sultan was angry and other european countries as well. The French signed the Treaty of Tangier in 1844 and recognized Moroccan independance. -
How the Algerians were Treated
Morocco had become independent under the power of the ottoman empire. All North African ports were controlled by Ottoman deys, name given to governers of algeria which hated Berber chiefs who controlled inland regions. During the time of the Napoleonic wars, Algiers were to denfend againts pirate attacks againts european ships. In 1815, the Treaty of Vienna finally agreed that european power could attack Barbary cities in order to stop pirate attacks. Algeria and Morocco were treated badly. -
The Imperialism of Algeria
All european powers followed a program which included the 3 c's, civilizing mission, commerce and Christianity. Catholic and Protestant missionaries wanted to convert muslim and jews to Christian. They did not have as much sucess so they decided to set up clinics, orphanages and schools that influenced the lives if arab or berber women directly and indirectly. -
North African response
Algerian officials and European settlers controlled the stereotype of Arab or Muslim women. which offered limited political presentation to algerian men. An argument broke out over how women are harems but their men cannot vote in an intelligent manner. The signing of the Treaty of Tangier gave morocco its independance. There were many risings due to the cause of French coming to Africa like the berber leader, Abd al-Kader rise. -
Algerian War
The Algerian war was a conflict between France and Algeria which eventually helped Algeria gain its independance. guerrilla warfare, maquis fighting, and terroism againts inoccent people was one conflict, Another conflict was a civil war between loyalist Algerian Muslims and Algerian counterparts. -
President of Algeria Announces
President De Gaulle anounces he would allow Algerians to choose to become independent. There was no more negotiation with muslims so independance was very certain to happen.French settlers became mad and even General Massu, the biggest military official in Algeria spoke out and critized De Gaulle in public. -
Why France came to Algeria
In colonial period, the French government focused to encourage settlement in the coast of Algeria and modernize the Muslim population. Immigration was succesful and French settlers represented about 9% of Algeria's population by 1956. Other populations such as Arab 50%, Berbers 25-30% were also in the program. -
Future Realtionship
A vote for a future realtionship between Algeria and France was made in January 1961. Independance won by a vote of 5,993,754 to 16,478. French settlers realized De Gaulle would take controll of the FLN. Assination happened and or drove into hiding all muslims. French took controll of Oran and Algiers and began putting bombs in France