
By hmiles2
  • European trade with Africa becomes well established.

    European trade with Africa becomes well established.
    Becuase European countries wanted more resources to maintain their industrial production, they looked to Africa as a market for raw materials for industrial products. This caused a numerous amount of trade networks to take place. Each network was specialized for a certain item. Unfortunatley, this lead to the scramble for Africa.
  • The East India Company collapses and the British Raj begins.

    The East India Company collapses and the British Raj begins.
    Due to the Sepoy Rebellion, the East India Company collapsed. This happended because it took more than one year for the East India Company to take contol of the country again, with the help of British troops. A lack of unity caused dispute between the Hindus and the Muslims as to who should rule. In the end, the British took direct control of India. The British Raj referred to British rule when India came under their control during Queen Victoria's reign.
  • The Suez Canal Opens

    The Suez Canal Opens
    The Suez canal is a human-made waterwy connecting the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea.
  • The Berlin Conference

    The Berlin Conference
    The Berlin Conference (in 1884-1885) was a meeting where representatives of European nations agreed upon rules for the European colonization of Africa. They had little thought about how African ethnic groups or linguistic groups were were distributed.
  • Queen Liliuokalani Removed from Throne

    Queen Liliuokalani Removed from Throne
    After calling for a new constitution that would increase her power and restore the political power of Hawaiians at the expense of wealthy plant owners, Queen Liliuokalani was removed from power by a group of American business men.
  • Ethiopians defeat Italians at the Battle of Adowa

    Ethiopians defeat Italians at the Battle of Adowa
    While Menelik II plays the Italian, French, and British against eachother, he builds a large arsenal of modern weapons that he purchased from the Russians and the French. When war breaks out between the Ethiopians and the Italians, the Ethiopians defeat them and keep their nation independent.
  • The Spanish American War Breaks Out and the Philppines Taken from Spain

    The Spanish American War Breaks Out and the Philppines Taken from Spain
    The Spanish-American War was a result of the U.S aquiring the Philippine Islands, Puerto Rico, and Guam. Becauses Emilio Aguinaldo claimed that the U.S had promised immediate independence after the Spanish-American War ended, the Philippines gained their independence and were taken away from Spain.
  • The Boer War

    The Boer War
    A conlifct in which the Boers and the British fought for control of territory in SOuth Africa.
  • Most of Africa Under European Control

    Most of Africa Under European Control
    As a result of the period of imperialism, all of the lands of the world were claimed. Africa was mainly under the control of Eurpoeans.