Impearlism Timeline

  • European Trade with Africa Becomes Well Established

    European Trade with Africa Becomes Well Established
    The European's who travelled into the interior of Africa were mainly explorers, missionaries, and humanitarians. They were against the European and American slave trade. Many countries like Europe wanted to claim as many lands as they could. Techonology in Erope helped promote imperalism and trade in Africa. The Europeans had the Maxim Gun and the steam engine, which made traveling easier for access to Africa. The Europeans were also immuned to Malaria, so they were immuned.
  • East India Company Collapses Due to Sepoy Rebellion; British Raj Begins

    East India Company Collapses Due to Sepoy Rebellion; British Raj Begins
    The Esat India Company had control of India until the beginning of the 19th century without the British Government interfering. The company had Sepoys, or Indian Soldiers. In 1850, The British were in command of the subcontinent of India, but there were many areas of unhappiness. Many Indians didn't like British control, being converted to Christianity, and the racism.n 1857, the word was spread between the Sepoys that their new rifles contained and were touched by beef and pork.

    In the Hindu belief cows were sacred and Muslims don't eat pork. A commander was surpised when the sepoys wouldn't use their rifles. The Sepoys who didn't use the guns were put in jail and then they rebelled the next day. Indian soldiers joined them in Delhi where they stationed. This rebellion was called the Sepoy Mutiny. In1858 India was ruled directly by the British government. The Raj was the British rule in India under the rule of Queen Victoria.
  • Suez Canal Links the Mediterranean and Red Sea

    Suez Canal Links the Mediterranean and Red Sea
    Isma'il, Muhammad Ali's grandson, modernizedEgypt. He created the Suez Canal. The Suez Canal that cut through the Isthumus of Suez. It connected the Red and Mediterranean sea. French money from private groups was used to fund the project and was worked on the Egyptian laborers.It opened in 1869, but Isma'il's efforts were very expensive, which caused the Egyptians to realize that they couldn't pay the Europeans.The British oversaw the financial stand point of the canal and took control of Egypt.
  • The Berlin Conference Convenes to Discuss Terms for African Colonization

    The Berlin Conference Convenes to Discuss Terms for African Colonization
    In 1884-1885, 14 European Countries came together to create rules for dividing Africa. They decided that any Euroepean country would be able to take control of Africa as long as they let other nations that it claimed know and that they could control the country. Africa was divided by the European's without consideration about African ethnic and lingustic groups. No African ruler was invited to these meetings, and then in 1914 Liberia and Ethiopia were the only countries free of European control.
  • Queen Liliuokalani Takes The Throne of Hawaii

    Queen Liliuokalani Takes The Throne of Hawaii
    In 1893, Queen Liliuokalani proposed a new constitution that would make her more powerful and would fix the political power of hawaiians at the expense of wealthy planters. American businessmen, who were against her new constitution, formed a group that created a plan to overthrow her. They were successful and she was removed from power in 1893.
  • Ethiopians Defeat The Invading Italians at the Battle of Adwa

    Ethiopians Defeat The Invading Italians at the Battle of Adwa
    Ethopia was the only country that wasn't controlled by Europe because of the rule of Menelik II. In 1889, he became emporer of Ethiopia. He intelligently made the Italians, French, and British fight against each other. Each of these countries wanted control of Ethopia. He also made a lot of weapons, which he bought in France and Russia. Right after Menilik II signed a treaty with Italy, he realized that there was a difference in the wording of the treaty in the Ethopian and Italian language.

    Menelik thought that he was only handing over a portion of Ethopia, but the Italians thought that they had control of Ethopia to protect it from other countries. The Italian forces started to march into northern Ethiopia, causing Menelik II to start a war. It became known as the Battle of Adwa. The Ethiopians sucessful defeated the Italians and continued to be independent.
  • Spanish-American War Breaks Out; Puerto Rico, Spain, and the Philippines Taken From Spain

    Spanish-American War Breaks Out; Puerto Rico, Spain, and the Philippines Taken From Spain
    Because of the Spanish-American War in 1898, The US had control of the Phillipines, Puerto Rico, and Guam. Because the US wanted to have control of the Phillipines, there was a debate about imperalism. Mckinley told Methodist Ministers that he would "educate Filipinos, and uplift and Christianize them." The Filipino Nationalists were upset to trade the Spanish for Americans. The leader of the Filipino Nationals, Aguinaldo, said that the US had affirmation of independence right after...

    after the Spanish-American War finished. The Phillipines were declared independence by the nationalists and were then called the Philippine Republic.
  • Boer War in South Africa

    Boer War in South Africa
    In South Africa, diamonds and gold were found. This attracted people from around the world. The Boers, or Dutch Settlers, attempted to keep these people from gaining political power. There was a attempt to initate a rebellion against the Boers, but it was unsuccessful. The British were blamed by the British. The Boer War started and was between the British and the Boers. The Boers set raids and the guerilla was used. The British burned Boer farms while putting women and children in prison...

    Some dark skinned South Africans were a part of the war. Blacks were taken and captured by the British and put into concentration camps. Over 14,000 blacks died. The British ended up winning the war and in 1910, The Boer Republics joined the Union of south Africa, which was also in control by the British.
  • Most of Afica Is Under European Control

    Most of Afica Is Under European Control
    There were both positives and benefits of the European colonial rule in Afria. The positives were that the colonialism eliminated some of the local warefare. Sanitation, hospitals, and schools were improved. The literacy rate improved. Also, there was an economic expansion. Technology also grew like railroads, dams, telephone, and the telegraph lines were built. On the negative side, Africans lost contol of their land and independence. Also, there were several famines because their was a cash...

    crop instead of just having agriculture, but just enough that the people needed. Many people also died from diseases such as small pox. Traditonal cultures were ignored, and homes were moved without attention to the importance of the people. Men had to leave villages.The division of Arica was most harmful