Prior to contact
The beothuk were hunters and gatherers who once lived throughout much of what is now the island of Newfounland. They relied heavily on marine resources for their survial. In the summer they worked the coast seeking fish and seabirds. -
Prior to contact (first nations)
The people of the plains had built a lifestyle around vast herds of buffalo that roamed the prairies. The buffalo was their most important resource. They used all parts of the animal- for food, clothing, shelter, and tools. Nothing went to waste -
European fur traders
As the fur trade expanded west in the 1800s, the plains people met European fur traders. They hunted and trapped to trade with the Eoropeans for pots, tools, and weapons, including firearms. -
Europeans begin to arrive to expand settlement
The first nations people have felt the effects of cultural contact for hundreds of years. At different times and in may ways, Europeans and canada have tried to control the first nations -
Europeans Arrive
Effects still experienced today
Effects still experienced today