Impact of Long-Distance Trade & Exchange

By MajdAL
  • 5000 BCE


    Mesopotamia's climate allowed for the agriculture of edible seeds. The trade route in Mesopotamia was named the Fertile Crescent because it was a shape of a Crescent moon and the land was very fertile.
  • 4000 BCE

    Ancient China

    Ancient China
    Ancient China has written records that date back to 1500BC during the Shang dynasty. China was able to trade its form of writing.
  • 3100 BCE

    Ancient Egypt

    Ancient Egypt
    Ancient Egypt was very influential when it came to trade. The land was very fertile due to the Nile River. Ancient Egypt had shared its culture on Pharoahs and architecture.
  • 3000 BCE


    The trade and exchange had allowed for the invention of roads and bridges. A current day example of the Andean bridge runs through Columbia to Chile.
  • 1200 BCE


    Mesoamerica traded and exchanged agriculture with the Andean region. The climate and geography played a vital role in the goods that were traded.
  • 508 BCE


    The classical period had shed a light on Greek Philosophy. Therefore, Athens became the trading center of Math and Astronomy.
  • 500 BCE

    Persian Empire

    Persian Empire
    The Persian Empire was known to be a tough and strong empire. The Persian Empire traded their faith of Zoroastrianism.
  • 206 BCE

    Han Dynasty

    Han Dynasty
    The trade the Han Dynasty was involved in was for them to have peace. The Han Dynasty sent their princesses as gifts in order to protect it's people.
  • 60 BCE

    Kushan Empire

    Kushan Empire
    The Kushan Empire got a hold of the Silk Road to trade their religious beliefs. Kushan believed in the words of Buddha to uphold their wealth and strength.
  • 27 BCE

    Roman Empire

    Roman Empire
    The Roman empire had began the trade through the Silk road under the emperor, Augustus. Rome cared for it's wealthy citizens at this time and wanted the best supplies for them.
  • 330

    Byzantine Empire

    Byzantine Empire
    Unlike the other civilizations and empires, Byzantine chose to steal from the trade routes rather than to contribute to it. There are consipiracies as to how the Byzantine empire stole the silk secret from China.
  • 629


    India benefited from trade and exchange. Islam was introduced in India by 629 CE. Islam was introduced through marriage of merchants to local women.
  • 708


    Japan established itself through borrowing the culture and writing from China through the trade routes with Korea. Japan adapted to the Buddhist faith from China.
  • 850


    Africa exchanged its most important good, Ivory. Ivory has been and still is, highly requested. However, it is illegal.
  • 882

    Kievan Rus

    Kievan Rus
    Kievan Rus benefited from the trade route in order to establish its empire. Kievan Rus was converted to Christianity from the teachings and beliefs of the Byzantine Empire.