Impact of European Historical Events

  • Period: to

    Impact on European Historical Events

  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    On Januarary 30, 1972 British Soldiers shot 26 unarmed civilians at a protest in Derry, Northern Ireland. 14 people died and 12 other people were injured as they were protesting internment. It was one of the biggest cases of police brutality in the 70's. The impact on this scary event was that it increased Catholic and Irish Nationalist hostility towards the British Army. After the incident it lead to attacks and riots, it got so bad that they burned down the British Embassy in Dublin.
  • Spanish Prime Minister assasinated

    Spanish Prime Minister assasinated
    On December 20, 1973 Spanish Admiral Luis Carrero Blanco was killed by a car bomb in Madrid, Spain. The 70 year old along with his bodyguard and driver where all killed, the blast sent the car flying over a church and into the terrace of a building. The murder was premeditated as the assasins built a tunnel underneath the mass where the admiral walked to his car and they could see by a nearby basement. The Prime Minister was killed because, he was charging 10 people of Franco's regimine who
  • Spanish Prime Minister Killed

    Spanish Prime Minister Killed
    who were accused of unlawful assembly and caused thosaunds of protesters to clash with police over the arrests.

    The reason why this tragic event affected Europe was that not since the end of WW2 has a government minister died in such a violent circumstance.
  • Valery Giscard d'estaing wins election

    Valery Giscard d'estaing wins election
    Valery Giscard d'estaing wins the election and is elected the President of the Republic of France. He was very loose with laws such as the laws of abortion, divorce and contraception which helped him win the election. When he won in 1974 he was the third youngest president of France, he was one of the best ever during his tenure he promoted nuclear power and during his predidency old age pensioners went up by 65%. In 1981 d'estaing was suprised when his arch rival Jacques Chirac decided to
  • Valery Giscard d'Estaing Wins election

    Valery Giscard d'Estaing Wins election
    run against him and stole half his supporters and lost to future president of France François Mitterrand.

    His impact of Europe was that he formed the G6 now known as the G7 which is a group of the 6 no 7 economic powers to form an alliance.
  • West Germany hosts and wins world cup

    West Germany hosts and wins world cup
    For the first time West Germany hosts the FIFA World Cup for the first time ever. The tournament was played in bad weather and very few western European teams qualified. West Germany lost its first game but, used that fuel to fire their way into the second round then into the finals. They played the championship game against the Netherlands and before a minute when off the clock the Dutch scored, but two controversial calls later in the game lead to two goals and that was the final score 2-1
  • West Germany hosts and wins FIFA World Cup

    West Germany hosts and wins FIFA World Cup
    West Germany is the 1974 champion. The impact of Europe was that West Germany went against East Germany in the first round and that game is arguably the most politicially charged match ever.
  • Dutch Colony of Suriname gained independence

    Dutch Colony of Suriname gained independence
    On November 25, 1975 the Dutch Colony of Suriname gained independence from the Netherlands. This backfired after they recieved independence and their country declined into corruption and ethnic polarisation. In the 1977 election its leaders were accused of fraud but, still won. The impact on Europe was that when they recieved independence one-third of the population fled to the Netherlands. They feared that since Suriname gained independence that the whole country would fall into an
  • Ducth Colony Suriname gained independence

    Ducth Colony Suriname gained independence
    economic downfall.
  • United Kingdom has hottest drying summer in 250 years

    United Kingdom has hottest drying summer in 250 years
    During the summer of 1976 the United Kingdom had its hottest driest summer in 250 years. The highest temperture was 96.6 degrees fahrenheit or 30 degress celsius and the average temperture was about 86 degrees fahrenheit. Part of the south west went 5 weeks without rain and 50,000 trees were destroyed. Luckily, September and October were very wet months. The impact on Europe was that the United Kingdom lost 500,000 million euros worth of crops and food prices increased by 12%.
  • Romania Earthquake

    Romania Earthquake
    On March 4, 1977 there was a massive earthquake in Bucharest that registered a 7.4 on the ricter scale. The earthquake killed 1500 hundred people and caused 2 billion U.S. dollars in damage. Also, the earthquake lasted for 55 seconds, left 35,000 families in the streets and destroyed iconic buildings. Additionaly, the earthquake affected 760 economic markets in Romania. Because, the impact of the earthquake left people on the streets the city came to a halt which dragged other countries down
  • Romania Earthquake continued

    Romania Earthquake continued
    because, the city of Bucharest had no products being made and no fianacial income.
  • Dutch Train Hostage Crisis

    Dutch Train Hostage Crisis
    On May, 23 1977 13 South Molucanns took over a train and a elementry school. 9 of the 13 South Molucanns took over a train and took 50 people hostage which lasted 482 hours or 20 days and the other 4 terrorists took 105 people hostage. The reason behind this attack was because, the South Molucanns were exiled to the Netherlands where they were promised there independent state but, after 25 years of living in temporary camps they wanted to take action into their own hands. Although, they
  • Ducth Train Hostage Crisis continued

    Ducth Train Hostage Crisis continued
    realized quickly that there were holes in the plan including diasease and poor conditions. The impact was that people of Europe realized that it had a really good Law and Order system because, they were able to manage a hostage crisis for 20 days.
  • John Paul II becomes Pope

    John Paul II becomes Pope
    In 1978 John Paul II became the first non-Italian Pope in over 400 years. He was one of the greatest Pope's ever as he visited over 100 countries to spread his message of faith and peace. Although in 1981 in St. Petersburg Square he was shot twice and even forgave his attacker. Often John Paul II spoke about suffering and human rights and used his influence on political change.

    His impact of Europe was that he is credited of getting rid of communism in his native land of Poland.
  • Margaret Thatcher wins election

    Margaret Thatcher wins election
    In 1979 Margaret Thatcher made history by becoming the first female prime minister of Great Brittian. When the conservative party lost power in 1974 Thatcher became a policial force to be reckoned with and eventualy became the leader of the Conservative party which led to her election of Prime Minister in 1979. In her first two terms Thatcher was through a lot she had to send troops down to the Falkland Islands in 1982 to retake it from Argentina and she survived an assination attempt on her
  • Margaret Thatcher wins election continued

    Margaret Thatcher wins election continued
    in 1984. In 1987 she tried to make a standard education across the nation and make the country's socialized medical system but, failed miserably when the plan also had a fixed tax rate on it and became very unpopular and on November 22, 2015. Margaret Thatcher had a big factor on European Prime Ministers and since Thatcher was elected there has been over 2 dozen female prime ministers in Europe.