
  • President signs An Act to Encourage Vaccination

    created the National Vaccine Agency (now a part of US Dept of Health and Human Services)
  • Vaccination Act mandating vaccines for infants

    Vaccination Act ordered mandatory vaccination for infants up to 3 months old
  • Vaccine Act is updated with penalties

    extended this age requirement to 14 years, adding penalties for vaccine refusal resulting in the Anti Vaccination League and the Anti-Compulsory Vaccination League being formed
  • 1st Anti-vaccination demonstration held

    Leicester Demonstration March of 1885 was one of the most notorious anti-vaccination demonstrations. There, 80,000-100,000 anti-vaccinators led an elaborate march
  • 1st city wide ordance for vacciniation

    Due to a smallpox outbreak, the board of health of the city of Cambridge, Massachusetts, mandated all city residents to be vaccinated against smallpox.
  • US Supreme Court mandates vaccination for public school students

  • Mandatory vaccines appealed but upheld in the US Supreme Court

  • National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act singed

    in response to lawsuits due to side-effects from the vaccines
  • Link between MMR vaccine to Autism introduced

    Andrew Wakefield writes an article linking the MMR vaccine to an increased number of children with autism
  • MMR found safe

    U.S. review by a panel of 15 experts finds MMR vaccine is not responsible for the nation's rise in autism
  • US Court of Appeals rules there is no link between autism and vaccines

  • Article written about mandatory vaccines taking away our rights

    "intimately personal medical decisions should not be made by government" stated by Ron Paul, MD, former US Representative, in the article, "Government Vaccines – Bad Policy, Bad Medicine,"