Leaving Italy
Today was the day we left Italy. We left our farm land and my favorite place in the world but I know we had to leave. We got to the dock and got on the boat. My brothers, sister and I were all smushed in the back of the ferry. While on the boat ride my brothers were dreaming about their dream land and everything they were saying sounded great. They were dreaming about a wide open land. It will be nice to look up at the stars again -
Ellis Island
We made it to Ellis Island. There was so much noise i couldn't hear myself think. We went through all the procees and finally got into the inspection line. They dont want us spreading dieases to the americans. When we were first in the line they picked out my sister and dragged her into another room. We didn't see her for about a week. -
Getting My Sister Back
I miss Maria with all my heart. One night I was sleeping in my room with a brother on either side and I see this black figure walking towards me. I couldn't see their face and i confused why they can up to me. Then I looked a little closer and i saw a familiar face. My sister was back. -
Leaving Ellis Island
We are finally leaving Ellis Island. My sister is back and we couldn't be happier. We have packed out 1 suitcase and are on our way. -
First Sites Of America
The first thing i saw was this giant statue of a lady. They call her lady liberty. Thats when i knew that this would be a better place. -
Living in Boston
Life in America is very different from what were used to. There isn't much farmland in the city of Boston but we make do. We work all work at the foactories together and we barely make eneough for dinner that night. Howver we do have a roof over our head and some food on our plates -
Death of Gino
Today as tragic day for my family. Todya we lost on of our family members. My rbother Gino has passed into a better world. He was working in the facotry when the amchine cut his arm off. Nobody tried to help him only left him there. We have to move on and find our land. Thats what Gino would have wanted -
Traveling West
We started traveling west and have found it to be quite difficult. We left Boston with very little money and have been finding little food. However we have been able to find the most beautiful land. Every inch is perfect. -
Death of Maria
Today was the death of my little sister. I'm trying to cope with the death but I can't. Almost everything reminds me of her. I loved her so much. So now it's just me and my brother Luigi. We will keep farming in the farm land but we will struggle without her.