Rise of Political Bosses
A political machine was an unofficial city organization designed to keep a particular party or group in power. New York City's Boss tweed is sent to prison for corruption in city government. -
Chinese Exclusion Act
Most of the immigrants who entered the United States through West Coast ports came from Asia. America labor unions fought hard to exclude Chinese immigrants because they accepted low wages. The Chinese Exclusion Act closes the door to new immigration from China. -
The Pendleton Civil Service Act
The Pendleton Civil Service Act changes how the federal government hires and promotes workers. This law created a civil service commission and stated that federal empoloyees could not be required to contribute to campaign funds nor be fired for political reasons. -
Dividing Africa
European powers meet at Berlin to divide up Africa. Democrats take power. Serious issues confronted the nation that year, such as high tariffs, unfair business practices, and unregulated railroads. All clevelands policies were not pro-business. -
Statue of Liberty
The United States officially accepts the Statue of Liberty as a gift from France. Immigrants arrived in New York entered at the Castle Garden depot. The Statue was a gift from France, celebrated "Liberty Enlightening the World." -
Ellis Island
A new reception center for immigrants opens at Ellis Island. The federal government required all new immigrants to undergo a physical examination. Those who had a disease faced quarantine, a time of isolation. People who had trachoma, were automatically sent back to their country. -
Gentlemen's Agreement
Immigration to the United States reaches an all-time high. Many of the earliest Japanese to immigrate to the US came from Hawaii. President Roosevelt reached a compromise with Japanese officials in 1907. Named the Gentlemen's Agreement. -
Processing Immigrants
The Federal government begins processing immigrants at Angel Island in San Francisco Bay. -
The Titanic sinks. Immigrants were on it, going to New York. The titanic was the ships name, it had crashed into an ice berg and many lives were lost. -
World War 1 begins in Europe. This was a global war between the allies and the central powers. The allies won. The war lasted for 4 years.