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Immigration To Canada Between 1776 and 1914

  • Immigration From the First Loyalist Refugees

    Immigration From the First Loyalist Refugees
    The first wave of loyalists from the United Stated immigrate to Canada. Butlers Rangers, a military group loyal to the British, helped settle these immigrants.
    Butlers Rangers
  • The French Revolution

    The French Revolution
    During the French Revolution, many people in France sought to find refuge from all of the fighting. Many came to Canada and settled in Quebec.
    The French Revolution
  • Constitutional Act

    Constitutional Act
    The Constitutional Act divided Quebec into Lower and Upper Canada. The British decided to divide Quebec because they wanted to accommodate the many English settlers that came from the American Revolution seeking refuge.
    Constitutional Act
  • Alexander Mackenzie Reaches The Pacific Ocean

    Alexander Mackenzie Reaches The Pacific Ocean
    This momumental event inspired other people to find the great Pacific Ocean, which led to more people immigrating towards the West side of Canada.
    Alexander Mackenzie
  • The War of 1812

    The War of 1812
    The loyalists, people who were loyal to the British living in the United States left and sought refuge in Canada. The majority of loyalists found refuge in Nova Scotia.
  • Irish People Immigrated To Canada

    Irish People Immigrated To Canada
    Mass waves of Irish immigrants came to Canada because their potato crop failed which caused a widespread famine. The Irish were then unable to pay their rent so the Irish landlords evicted them.
    Irish Immigrants
  • The Underground Railroad was Created

    The Underground Railroad was Created
    Harriet Tubman led slaves from the United States to Canada to find refuge and freedom. Canada did not allow people to have slaves, whereas it was common to have slaves in the United States.
  • George Brrown Visits England

    George Brrown Visits England
    After George Brown visits England, he gets the idea that the Canadas and the Maritimes should come together and make one federal government. He believes that this will make them stronger as a country, which will motivate more people to immigrate to Canada because of it's stable and strong government.
    George Brown
  • Charlottetown Conference

    Charlottetown Conference
    This conference is where the leaders from the Canadas and the Maritimes came together to decide whether or not they should become one country. Becoming one country will make their armies stronger which will make new immigrants feel safer if they settled in Canada.
    Charlottetown Conference
  • Chinese Immigrate to Canada

    Chinese Immigrate to Canada
    This was the beginning of a wave of Chinese immigrants looking to have a better life in Canada. They came to work on the dangerous parts of the railroad and were treated very poorly from the white people. This wave of immigration lasted from 1880-1885.
  • A Wave of Settlers Immigrate to Canada

    A Wave of Settlers Immigrate to Canada
    This was the beginning of a large wave of immigrants coming to settle in Canada. Most were coming to live in the West because Canada promoted the West by calling it, "The Last Best West" on posters hung around European countries.
  • Chinese Head Tax

    Chinese Head Tax
    The Chinese Head Tax was introduced in the year of 1885 in the Chinese Immigration act of 1885. The Canadian Government was trying to stop the Chinese from immigrating to Canada now that the railroad was completed.The head tax slowed down immigration and Canada's chinese population slowly started to decrease.
  • Ukrainians Immigrate to Canada

    Ukrainians Immigrate to Canada
    This was the first wave of Ukrainian settlers immigrating to Canada. Unfortunately scarlett fever swept through the immigrating Ukrainians and fifty children died before reaching Manitoba.
    Ukrainian Immigrants
  • Chinese Head Tax is Increased

    Chinese Head Tax is Increased
    The Chinese Head Tax increases from fifty dollars to one hundred dollars. This really started to discourage Chinese immigrants from settling in Canada.
    Head Tax Increases
  • Chinese Head tax Increases Again

    Chinese Head tax Increases Again
    The Chinese Head Tax increases from one hundred dollars to five hundred dollars. This was worth about two years pay. The Canadian Government collected about twenty-three million dollars from the Chinese Head Tax. Chinese immigration was at a minimum.
    Head Tax Increases Again