"Common Sense"
Thomas Paine publishes a pamphlet that argues American Independence. “Europe, and not England, is the parent country of America. This new world hath been the asylum for the persecuted lovers of civil and religious liberty from every part of Europe,” Is what Thomas Pain wrote -
The first U.S census takes place
English people are the most populated group with over 3.9 million people counted, one in 5 people are african americans -
The Naturalization Act of 1790
This Act allows any free white person of good character, who has been living in the United States for two years or longer to apply for citizenship. -
Irish Immigrant Wave Begins
Peace is re established by the Americans and the English after the war of 1812. The waves of Immigration from Western Europe start to gush, which starts to complicate demographics -
The Steerage Act of 1819
the Steerage Act of 1819 lets newcomers arrive in better condition than what they were arriving in before. -
Know-Nothing Forms
One of americas first anti-immigrant political parties starts to form, theyre called the Know-Nothings -
Laws passed by the states
Following the American Civil war , things happened and other states started passing immigration laws. The supreme court says its the responsibility of the federal govt. to enforce immigration laws. -
Chinese Exclusion Act
between 1880 and 1920 immigrants began flooding the states and most of them began labor and working in factories -
Then Chinese Exclusion Act
Thic chinese act that was passed, bars all chinese citizens from entering the United States in the 1850's -
Then immigration act of 1891
This act further complicates excluding people who can enter the United States, barring the people that been convicted of certain crimes and the sick or deceased. -
Ellis Island Opens
Ellis island, The United States first immigration island opens up in the Harbor of New York. This Island has been accessed by over 12 million immigrants to enter the United States. -
The Immigrationn Act Of 1924
this immigration act limits the numbers of immigrants allowed to enter the U.S. under the new quota system, the united states now visas 2 percent of the total number of people of each nationality -
Labor shortages of 1942
Labor and work shortages during World War 2 promted the united states to make ammends with mexico and form the bracero program. -
The McCarren Act
10 years after the brocero pragram, the McCarren Act begins, which ends the exclusion in Asian immigrants -
Travel Restrictions Lifted
The traveling restrictions on Chad are debolished, In june of 2018