Immigration Timeline

  • The Dead Rabbits Riot

    The Dead Rabbits Riot
    The Dead Rabbits Riot started on July 7th, 1857, and ended on July 5th, 1857. The riot occurred between the Dead Rabbits and the Metropolitan Police. The reason that the riot was caused was they had a plan to raid the Bowery Boys' clubhouse.
  • The Ku Klux Klan is Established

    The Ku Klux Klan is Established
    The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) was founded in Pulaski, Tennesse by a group of Confederate veterans. The reason for this group is that they did not like that the government was giving black people more rights.
  • John D. Rockefeller Creates Standard Oil

    John D. Rockefeller Creates Standard Oil
    John D. Rockefeller created a really good business for himself. He was known as the first billionaire. He is the reason that businesses can't create monopolies.
  • Alexander Graham Bell Patents the Telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell Patents the Telephone
    Day after receiving the patent for his telephone he made the first phone call to Thomas Watson. In the first phone call, Alexander said, "Mr. Watson come here, I want to see you." He also had 600 lawsuits on his patents.
  • The Great Oklahoma Land Race

    The Great Oklahoma Land Race
    On April 22, 1889 men and women were rushing to claim homesteads and purchase land. The Great Oklahoma Land Race was caused because of the Springer Amendment.
  • Ellis Island Opens to Process Immigrants

    Ellis Island Opens to Process Immigrants
    Annie Moore was the first person to arrive on Ellis Island. Over the time that it was operating 12 million immigrants would pass through Ellis Island.
  • The Wizard of Oz (Book) is Published

    The Wizard of Oz (Book) is Published
    The Wizard of Oz (book) is known as the first fantasy written and reached instant success. It was a really good book for children back then. It was also turned into a movie in 1939.
  • J.P. Morgan Founds U.S. Steel

    J.P. Morgan Founds U.S. Steel
    J.P. Morgan was the creator of chase bank that we have today. He found our steel in the U.S. His steel was used to create railroads all over the U.S.
  • Teddy Roosevelt Becomes President of the United States

    Teddy Roosevelt Becomes President of the United States
    Teddy Roosevelt became president after William McKinley was assassinated. Before he became president he was known as the "trustbuster."
  • Ford Motor Company is Founded

    Ford Motor Company is Founded
    The Ford Motor Company was founded in Detroit, Michigan. He also didn't just make cars, he invented the assembly line.
  • Ida Tarbell Publishes Her Article About Standard Oil

    Ida Tarbell Publishes Her Article About Standard Oil
    Ida Tarbell started her investigation of the Standard Oil in 1901. She didn't publish her findings and article til 1904. She did not go easy on what she found, she made sure to expose the inner ruthless truth that Rockefeller was trying to hide.
  • Angel Island Opens to Process Immigrants

    Angel Island Opens to Process Immigrants
    Angel Island was opened for Asians and other immigrants coming from the West.
  • The 17th Amendment is Passed

    The 17th Amendment is Passed
    The 17th Amendment allowed voters to vote directly for U.S. senators.
  • The 16th Amendment is Passed

    The 16th Amendment is Passed
    The 16th Amendment gives the right to Congress to collect income taxes.
  • The Empire State Building Opens

    The Empire State Building Opens
    It only took them 410 days to build the Empire State Building. The Empire State Building is 1,250 feet without counting the antenna. Counting the antenna it is 1,454 feet tall.