Jan 1, 1538
Marcos De Niza Expedition
Marcos De Niza led an expedition to find Cibola and took Esteban as his guide. They entered what is now Arizona near the New Mexico border. -
Mexico has military control over Arizona
Mexico gained military control of Arizona. That same year, trappers and traders from the United States came into the area. -
United States wins the Mexican War
United States won the Mexican War and gained all of Arizona north of the Gila River. -
Gadsden Purchase
By Gadsden Purchase, rest of Arizona becomes part of United States. -
Arizona becomes a state
This is the date in which Arizona became a state. This was the 48th state in the United States. -
Labor Appropriation Act of 1924
The Labor Appropriation Act of 1924 established an official border patrol as a federal law enforcement agency. -
Arizona's Right to Colorado Water
United States Supreme Court decision maintains Arizona's right to large amounts of Colorado river water. -
Proof of Legal Status Required for Driver's License
The Arizona Legislature passes a law requiring proof of legal status to get a driver's license. Russell Pearce, director of the state Motor Vehicle Division, wrote the law. -
English Immersion in Schools
Voters endorse a requirement for English immersion in schools, banning bilingual education. It passes 63 percent to 37 percent. -
Proposition 200
Voters approve Proposition 200, which denies public benefits to people not in the country legally. -
Minuteman Project
Volunteers from around the county -- part of a civilian-based effort known as the "Minuteman Project" -- descend on Cochise County for a month to "assist" the U.S. Border Patrol in its search for undocumented immigrants. -
Protest in Phoenix
An estimated 20,000 Latinos march up and down 24th street in Phoenix to protest federal legislation that would criminalize undocumented immigrants. -
Rancher is found killed
Southern Arizona rancher Robert Krentz is found murdered on his ranch. -
Support our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act
Arizona Republican Governor Jan Brewer signs into law the "Support our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act," This was signed to keep Arizona safe from drug cartels and other threats. The law makes "attrition through enforcement" the public policy of all state and local government agenciess. -
Donald Trump Runs for President
Donald Trump runs for president. He speaks out against illegal immigration. He wants to build a large wall in order to divide the two countries.