Immigration Timeline

  • Goodbye Porfirio Diaz, hola hell.

    Goodbye Porfirio Diaz, hola hell.
    A couple days after Diaz left office poeole all around the country where beggining to create a lot of chaos which led to a civilwar, the Mexican Revolution, poverty, and horror. Diego Alves did not feel safe in Mexico and is not making money. This event concluded in the immigration of Diego Alves (MY IMMIGRANT)
    Location,Mexico City, Mexico,Event APTOPIX Mexican Revolution Anniversary,Creation Date,Sunday, November 20, 2011 11:13 AM,Submit Date,Monday, November 21, Photographer Marco Ugarte,
  • Period: to

    Years gone by and years to come

  • I see the women

    I see the women
    Arriving at Ellis island was a amazing expierence. The moment when the people on the ship could see The Statue of Liberty the whole boat started to cheer. Everyone was happy they where finaly in America. (Picture Citation)
    Location, NEW YORK, NEW YORK, United States, Event, Statue of Liberty, Creation Date, Tuesday, June 02, 2009 2:14 PM, Submit Date Thursday, August 11, 2011 8:34 AM
    Featured Person STATUE OF LIBERTY, Person Ken Salazar, STATUE OF LIBERTY, Photographer, RICHARD DREW
  • Infection inspection

    Infection inspection
    Took one cough to clear my throught and was emmidiatly sent to health inspection where I was checked for typhus for two days.
    (Picture Citation)
    Location, Ellis Island, NJ, UNITED STATES, Event, Ellis Island Restoration, Creation Date, Tuesday, March 27, 2007 3:27 PM, Submit Date,Thursday, March 29, 2007 8:03 PM

    Credit, ASSOCIATED PRESS, Featured Person, AP A NJ USA Ellis Island Restoration,Person, AP A NJ USA Ellis Island Restoration, Category,Domestic News
  • Food, Money, Shelter = survival

    Food, Money, Shelter = survival
    Once I was settled in to my new area I needed to figure out a good way to survive, and in order to do that I need to make money so that I can sleep under a roof and feed myself.
    (Picture Citation)
    Location, New York, NEW YORK, United States, Event, New York Tenements, Creation Date, Wednesday, March 08, 1939 7:28 AM, Submit Date, Tuesday, April 24, 2012 2:46 PM, Catagory Domestic News.
  • Heard about that land

    Heard about that land
    I was told by my friend Markus that in the West they where giving away free land. I was so shocked by this message, I have always wanted my own land my whole life.
    (Picture Citation)
    Location, PHIPPSBURG, MAINE, UNITED STATES, Event, LAND GIFT, Creation Date, Tuesday, October 03, 2006 2:10 PM, Submit Date,Tuesday, October 03, 2006 6:11 PM Featured Person Nature Conservancy Land Gift, Person, Nature Conservancy Land Gift, Photographer, PAT WELLENBACH, Category, Domestic News
  • On my way

    On my way
    Packed up my items, quit my job, and headed west for a new beggining.
    (Picture Citation)
    Location, ALAMEDA, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, Event, MEXICAN BRACERO REYES AYRES, Creation Date, Saturday, June 01, 1963 8:00 AM, Submit Date, Monday, April 05, 2004 4:59 PM, Featured Person, REYES BARRON AYRES, Person, REYES BARRON AYRES, Archive Signature, 7226258, Negative Number, 050864, Category, Domestic News
  • working on the rail roads

    working on the rail roads
    During the long journy I had to make money some money so that I could eventually eat, so I got a little job of working on the rail-roads that are heading west.
    (Picture Citation)
    Location, Uma, Arizona, Event, L4__120964.sff, Creation Date, Friday, November 05, 1993 7:00 AM, Submit Date, Wednesday, January 16, 2013 6:25 PM
  • I didn't get the land

    I didn't get the land
    Now that I didn't get the land and i'm stuck here in the west I found a job of a plantation worker. I work long rough hours for very little pay.
    (Picture Citation).
    Location, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES,Event, U.S. PATROL MEXICAN FARMERS, Creation Date, Wednesday, August 01, 1951 8:00 AM, Submit Date, Wednesday, January 02, 2002 2:16 PM
  • Depression days

    Depression days
    Can't figure out a way to be happy, all I do is work and
    i barely get payed. The whole immigrating process to the west was just a complete scam.
    (Picture Citatioin)
    Location, WASHINGTON, IOWA, UNITED STATES, Event, MEXICAN IMMIGRANT, Creation Date, Sunday, August 04, 1991, Submit Date, Friday, September 08, 2000 11:05 AM, Credit, ASSOCIATED PRESS, Featured Person, MARCO VARGAS, Person, MARCO VARGAS, Photographer, CHARLIE NIEBERGALL, Archive Signature, 4923669, Category, Domestic News
  • Death and Sadness

    Death and Sadness
    My life became to depressing for me to control so I pulled the plug and commited suicide. My journy to America wasn't as dreamy as I thought it would be but I gave it a good shot.
    (Picture Citation)
    Location, CHERAN, MEXICO, Event, MEXICO SAD HOMECOMING, Creation Date, Friday, April 12, 1996 11:53 AM,Submit Date, Friday, April 12, 1996 7:48 PM, Featured Person, JAIME CHAVEZ MUNOZ, Person, JAIME CHAVEZ MUNOZ, Photographer, DARIO LOPEZ-MILLS, Archive Signature, 921593, Negative Number, 02