5999535 orig

Immigration Time line

  • 1607

    The English came over from Europe to escape religious persecution. First colony was in Jamestown Virginia
  • 1619

    Africans were forced over to America and were sold to colonial settlers.
  • 1620

    The pilgrims arrived to the New World on the Mayflower and settled in Plymouth, Massachusetts.
  • 1786

    The Constitution of the United States established the national government and the fundamental laws. It guaranteed certain basic rights for citizens.
  • 1790

    Federal government requires two years of residency before you can apply to become a citizen.
  • 1798

    The Naturalization act passed that allowed immigrants to become naturalized citizens in the U.S for 5-14 years
  • 1808

    The act prohibition importation of slaves. This federal law stated that no new slaved could be exported into the United States.
  • 1845

    The potato famine in Ireland caused the second wave of Irish to land into America.
  • 1849

    The gold rush in California caused many people to come over to America to mine for gold in order to get rich.
  • 1876

    Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional for states to regulate immigrants and for them to tax the incoming immigrants. Also at this time the California government were investigating the Chinese immigrants on their social, moral and political effect.
  • 1880

    Around two million Jews moved to the United States seeking better opportunity and fleeing the pogroms of the Russian Empire.
  • 1900

    Puerto Ricans became American citizens and American citizens were free to travel through out the islands.
  • 1917

    Immigration Act of 1917 restricted immigrants
  • 1924

    The immigration act of 1924 limited the amount of immigrants into the United States.
  • 1965

    The Hart-Cellar act abolishes and earlier quota system based on national origin and established a new immigration policy.