1798 Alien Friends Act
Gave the president power to deport immigrants who he feels are dangerous. For example, treason or spying are suspicious. If the immigrants stayed in the U.S, he/she could be imprisoned, and never become a U.S citizen. The president also had the power to give immigrants temporary residency. -
Ben Franklin- Observation's Concerning the Increase of Mankind
Since there are more people in the population, there are more people able to get married. In cities where all occupations are full, many people wait to get married until they are aware of the expenses that come with a family. Those who can not get land have to labor for those who do own land. -
1882 Chinese Exclusion Act
excluded the Chinese from migrating. The U.S gov felt the Chinese laborers were a threat to order. Next 10 years after law was passed, Chinese immigrants were suspended from coming to America. If people were caught bringing them in, they were fined. -
1948 Displaced Persons Act
This act helped those who were victims of persecution, and who could not go back to their country because of fear of persecution of race, religion, and political opinion. This act dealt directly with Germany, Austria, and Italy. These people were given perminant residency and employment, and they could bring their families if they were good citizens who could stay out of jail and financially provide for themselves. -
2005 Real ID Act
Immigration to America:
National standards for drivers license and non driver identification cards were created, definitions of terrorist activity were expanded, asylum eligibility was changed, waiver authority to construct barriers along the border was expanded, an aviation screening database was established. -
The New Colossus
This poem is saying we all decended from immigrants. Most ancestors of the united states were immigrants which meant that they were poor, and all they wanted was to breathe free.