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immigration time line

  • Convicts

    1793- In 1793 the first ever settlers from England came to New South Wales. These people were waiting a long time to come to Australia in New South Wales.
  • Period: to

    immigration timeline

    immigration time line
  • Settlers

    1788- In 1788 convicts were shipped to Australia. There was between 20000 and 30000 they were shipped from Brittan. Most of these convicts were men and there was only a few of the females.
  • System

    1835-In 1835 a new system was introduced it was could the bounty system. Also in 1835 the first ever settlers got a payment for encouraging those immigrates.
  • Gold

    1851- In 1851 something astonishing happened gold was discovered. The gold was discovered in Australia in Victoria and some parts of New South Wales. This was a good thing to their country because of tourists and people who lived there want feel and touch this one piece of gold.
  • Depression stats to heat.

    Depression stats to heat.
    1890- In 1890 was a very sad and depression time. The depression was manly in the eastern colonies. Also in Western Australia there was a tremble thing that broke Japanese people they were saying that they would not accept Japanese divers.
  • WA

    1892 an econmic pacific islanders came to australia to live.
  • Federation

    1901- In 1901 it was federation a lot of six colonies got together as one and said we will form the commonwealth of Australia.
  • Naturalisation

    1903- In 1903 there was a totally act could naturalism. This act means that non-Europeans. The non-Europeans can apply for naturalism.
  • islanders

    1904-in 1904 it was a time when the pacific islanders from up in Queensland began to head off on their journey.
  • World war 1

    World war 1
    1914-1918- This was a happy and sad time it was the First World War. People wanted to experience it them self going to war and some people had to say good bye to their loves ones and go to war.
  • Empire

    1922-in 1922 this was a time where they introduced a new act. The act was could Empire Settlement Act. It also provides assistance with around 2 million Britain immigrants.
  • Worls war 2

    Worls war 2
    1939-1945- In 1939 this was a again sad and happy because they had to say good bye to their loved ones and go to war some people had already gone to war at the first one but they said I would like to go back and serve our country again.
  • Immigration

    1952- In 1952 the government came to an agreement it was could an immigration agreement. This agreement was made with many countries for example Greece.
  • Compaign

    1957- In 1957 a campaign was introduced it was could the ‘bring out Briton’. And this campaign was introduced to a lot of countries
  • Policy

    1973- in 1973 a policy of non-discrimination. This was a policy that you are not allowed to do racism, colour and nationality adopted. Say if someone could you black or white you just call them coloured people.