Arriving in amrica

Immigration Story- Antonio Guinasso

  • Leaving for America

    Leaving for America
    My name is Anotonio Guinasso. I am from Southern Italy. My father, Mario Guinasso, and I are leaving our country with only the clothes on our back. We are leaving to escape poverty and famine. We are coming to America for the oppourtunities and jobs. When we earn enough money we will send for my mother and sisters. I am happy and sad at the same time. I am happy to have the oppourtunity yet sad to leave the place I grew up and leave the rest of my family.
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    Immigration Story

  • Arrive in America

    Arrive in America
    We arrive in America. My father and I come up from steerage to see the beautiful Ellis Island. We are actually here. We pass through all the exams and are officially in America. We find a tenement in Little Italy, so we are living with many people from our home country, but it is nothing like home. I find a job in a crowded factory and my father finds a job as a barber.
  • My mother and sisters arrive!

    My mother and sisters arrive!
    We finally earn enough money to send for my mother, Rosa and my sisters Sofia and Gianna. We waited for what felt like days at what they call the Kissing Post at Ellis Island. I see my mother and sisters making there way through the crowd. I call for them and they see me. They rush over and we hug and kiss. I was so happy to see them, I haven't seen them dor 3 years!
  • Settled In

    Settled In
    My sisters and mother move into our tenement. It is a very tight fit. My mother and sisters have made friends with the people with the same culture as us. They have also found jobs in factories. In their free time, my sisters play in the crowded streets with their friends.
  • Moving West!

    Moving West!
    We have lived here in Little Italy for a while now and it is starting to get overcrowded. Many people are alsp starting to get diseases. We have heard about the many people moving west and we think it is a good idea for our family. There is more land and space.
  • Dawes Act

    Dawes Act
    I have just learned about the Dawes Act and how the Native Americans will be selling their land for very cheap! I think we are going to try and buy land from them!
  • Traveling West

    Traveling West
    We travel to New Orleans then to California by train. My sisters find it very fun because they had never been on a train before. When we arrive everything is so different. There is no crowded buildings and people. There is plenty of space and open land. WE purchase our land from the Native Americans and settle in.
  • Jobs

    We settle in to our new home in California. It is very nice here, always sunny and very spacious. We all find jobs at a fruit farm. It is hard work but it pays well.
  • Starting Our Own Winery

    Starting Our Own Winery
    We finally earn enough money to start our own winery. I'm very excited. We will make lots of money and less work. Also, my sisters will go to school to get an education and to learn English.
  • Happily Ever After

    Happily Ever After
    I live for the rest of my life here in California. I my girlfriend and start a family. My kids soon have kids of their own and I tell them the stories of how I immigrated to America and to the west, I live a happy life here in America.