
Immigration Schemes to Trinidad

  • Period: to

    Immigration Schemes

  • 1st Chinese Immigration Scheme

    1st Chinese Immigration Scheme
    The first wave of 192 Chinese labourers, who came to Trinidad aboard the Fortitude in 1806.
  • Indian Arrival

    Indian Arrival
    225 immigrants arrive on The Fatal Rozak
  • Second wave of Chinese labourers

    Second wave of Chinese labourers
    Arrived on the ship th Australia
  • Chinese Immigration

    Labourers who came on the Claredon
  • Chinese Immigration

    Chinese Immigration
    Last shipment of Chinese labourers for the year 1853. The number of labourers for 1853 amounting to 1100.
  • End of Immigration

    End of Immigration
    End of Indian Indentureship, number of Indians settled at this time amounting to 145, 000