Immigration Policy

  • Period: to

    English and Western European Immigration

    More immigrants are admitted into the US. Included Great Britain, Germany, and Ireland.
  • "Know-Nothing Party' Created

    Prevented Catholics and immigrants from being elected to political offices.
  • Period: to

    Southern and Eastern Europe to America

    Immigration into U.S from southern and eastern Europe. Included Italy, Austria-Hungary, and Russia.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    First immigration policy to be passed. Excluded Chinese workers from entering the U.S.
  • Immigration Quota Law

    Restrictive, basically "creating immigration quotas on the basis of national origin". Served as the foundation for the following act.
  • National Origins Act

    Proposed limiting the numbers to be accepted from each country. An example is that it limited the annual immigration quota of each European nationality to 2% of its proportion in the U.S population.
  • Period: to

    Immigration Fall

    During this period, immigration was at its lowest level since mid 1800's.
  • Displaced Persons Act

    Admission of more than 400,000 refugees who were homeless due to WW2.
  • Immigration and Nationality Act

    Helped to ease the restrictions against immigration
  • New Immigration and Nationality Act

    Replaced old quotas with a set of seven preference categories.
  • Period: to

    Large Number of Immigrants Enter US

    During this time span, the largest numbers of immigrants were beginning to enter the U.S in over half a century.
  • Refugee Act

    Allowing for a more regular flow of refugees and emergency admissions.
  • Immigration Reform and Control Act

    Helped deal with illegal immigration. It basically gave employers penalties if they hired workers who didn't have proper documentation.
  • Another Immigration Act

    Raised limit on the amount of immigrants coming into te country from 290,000 to 675,000
  • Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsiblity Act

    Strengthened immigration laws, more restrictive procedures for illegal aliens and also they rejected more claims for asylum.