Aliens Friends Act
The president at the time could send the order any aliens be deported if he thought they were dangerous. If the alien stayed in the country they could be imprisioned for 3 years and can't come back to the U.S. for citzenship. -
1864 Immigration Act
The commisioner of immigration would report to the secretary of state of the immigrants in the military. Also they have validated contracts made by the immigrants -
Chinese exclution act
Let Chinese immigrants come to the united states so they could work and build the railroads. -
1924 Immigration Act
The legislation identified who could enter as a non-qouta these were the wives and unmarried children (under 18) of a U.S. citizen and bona-fide students (under 15) they were known as qouta immigrants -
Real ID Act
Citizens of U.S. standards are having a driver license and non-driver identification were established