Immigration Over Time

By csammo
  • 1607-First Immigration to US

    1607-First Immigration to US
    In 1607, the Colonists began to immigrate to the US. This was the first major immigration event of US history. Conflicts that arose from this event were troubles with the Native Americans and separtion from the English throne.
  • Irish Rebels Migrate to US

    Irish Rebels Migrate to US
    In 1798 Irish rebels migrated to the US. This caused problems because they were not there for a new beginning and to settle with their families. This migration was different for the US.
  • Beginnings of Immigration to AZ

    Immigration to AZ
    In the 1840's people from Mexico began to immigrate to Arizona. These were the first settlers since the Indians.Then following these actions, settlers began to come from Utah and started their own communities in places such as Snowflake.
  • Immigration to US from Germany, Ireland and England

    Immigration to US from Germany, Ireland and England
    Immigration grows
    Many people from countries such as Germany, Ireland and England immigrated to the US for better oppurtunities than what they had at home. The large numbers of people immigrating at this time caused the natives to feel anxious and overwhelmed.
  • Statue of Liberty

    Statue of Liberty
    Statue of Liberty
    In 1886 the Statue of Liberty was released and encouraged people to immigrate to the US. This caused immigration to grow which caused problems such as citizens feeling threatened and annoyed with the large amounts of immigration.
  • Regulation of Immigration

    Regulation of Immigration
    RegulationCongress takes action for the first time to regualte immigration to the US in 1891. This included restricting immigration and making the process more difficult. Conflict that arose from this law included frustration from citizens of other countries trying to get to America.
  • Mexican Immigration to AZ

    Mexican Immigration to AZ
    Mexican ImmigrationIn the early 1990's Mexican immigration to Arizona began to grow. The US was in need of low pay labor workers which encouraged immigration from Mexico and made work oppurtunities avaialble to them.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The Great Depression
    In the 1930's when the Great Depression began, jobs were harder to find and times were tough for American citizens. This brought about problems such as immigrants having jobs American citizens now needed. This also caused there to be more restrictions regarding immigrstion to the US.
  • Bracero Program of 1942

    Bracero Program of 1942
    Bracero Program
    The Bracero program was made in 1942, allowing migrants to come work in bad conditions for a low price. This benefitted the US by having farmers working for low prices however, the conditions the immigrants were wokring in were not fair and there children were not allowed to attend school.
  • Bracero Program End

    Bracero Program End
    Program Ends
    After many years the program ended. This benefitted the immigrants. However, problems that arose are how it changes for the US. The United States was no longer recieving the farm work from migrants for such low prices.
  • Immigration and Nationality Act

    Immigration and Nationality Act
    In 1965 John F. Kennedy passed the Immigration and Nationality Act which allowed immigrants to come to the US if they have family connections or are specialty workers. This made it easier for immigrants to come to the US and started problems such as too many imigrants coming to the US.
  • Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996

    Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996
    As illegal immigration to the US grew laws continued to be passed to try and prevent the problem. The immigration of Act of 1996 restricted immigrants and made it so that their children were unable to attend public schools or recieve healthcare. This caused the US to have immigrants growing up in the US to be uneducated and unprepared. Conflict that arose with this act is the unfairness to childrena and their families working in the US.
  • Terrorist Attacks Affect Immigrants

    Terrorist Attacks Affect Immigrants
    The terrorists attacks on 9/11 made laws on illegal immigration become greater. People were afraid of more attacks therefore they promoted stricter immigration laws.
  • Increasing Immigration

    Increasing Immigration
    In the early 2000's immigration began to grow and the number of undocumented immigrants in the US was at an all time high. This caused many isues such as job avaialability, less people paying taxes, illegal workers, more kids in schools, and more.
  • Immigration to Arizona

    Immigration to Arizona
    arizonaImmigration continued to grow through the years and currently. Immigration from Mexico became the top immigrant sending country. In this time records were set and immigration to Arizona continued to grow. Citizens continue to face the issue on whether immigrants should be accepted and treated fairly or turned away and treated as a criminal.