
By jazminC
  • First Wave of Mexican Migration

    Prior to World War II and the consist of agricultural workers recruited by private labor contractors, the number of Mexicans rose from 105,200 in 1900 to 624,400 in 1930
  • Second Wave of Mexican Migration

    The Bracero Pogram, when the U.S. and Mexio signed the Farm labor program agreement. Brought millions of mexican guest workers, but ended decades ago
  • The Immigration and Nationality Act

    Amendments abolishes the national origins quota system. It establishes allocation of immigrant visas on a first-come,
    first-served basis, subject to a seven-category preference
    system for relatives of U.S. citizens, permanent resident and for persons with special occupational skills or training.
  • Third Wave of Mexican Migration

    Began after the Bracero program was terminated, changes to the U.S immigration ended national origin quotas and imposed the first numerical limits on mexico and other latin american countries
  • The Immigration Act

    Provided for the importation of temporary agricultural laborers to the United States from North, South, and Central America during World War II
  • Population

    2,199,200 Immigrants in the U.S
  • Mexican Migration to the U.S began in early 20th century

    Since 1980 Mexicans have been the largest immigrant group in the U.S. As of 2013 11.6 million mexican immigrants residence in the U.S up from 2.2 million in 1980.
  • Fourth Wave of Mexican Migration

    The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA) This was a turning point, it legalized 3 million unauthorized migrants including 2.3 million Mexicans.
  • Immigration Reform and Control act

    The purpose of this legislation was to amend, revise, and reform/re-assess the status of unauthorized immigrants set forth in the Immigration and Nationality Act.
  • growth

    1990-2010 more than 7.5 million mexican immigrants came many who were unauthorized arriveed
  • Population

    4,298,000 Immigrants in the U.S
  • Population

    9,177,500 Immigrants in the U.S
  • Population

    11,541,400 Immigrants in the U.S
  • Population

    11,711,100 immkgrants
  • Population

    11,585,000 immigrants