Immigration Issues in U.S. and Arizona History

By gcohen2
  • Undocumented Arrivals

    This date marks the beginning of a series of arrivals of undocumented Mexican-American workers.
  • Mexican Revolution

    Mexican Revolution
    The U.S. presented more job opportunities during the Mexican Revolution.
    Godinez, Walter. Mexicans in NYC. N.d. n.p. Web. 5 Dec 2012.
  • Great Depression

    The Great Depression led to mass deportation in order to make jobs available for citizens.
  • Operation Wetback

    Due to Operation Wetback immigrants who were not under the Bracero Program were deported.
  • Immigration Act

    The Immigration Act went hand in hand with the civil rights movement.

    Millions of undocumented entered the U.S. due to NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Act.
    U.S. Hispanic Population. N.d. n.p. Web. 5 Dec 2012. <>.
  • Public Benefits Denied

    Public benefits were denied to immigrants.
  • Immigration Protests

    This marks the beginning of protests against immigration laws.
  • 100,000 March

    100,000 March
    100,000 march against immigration laws in Arizona.
    Marsh, Wendell. U.SA. Hispanic Population tops 50 Million. N.d. n.p. Web. 5 Dec 2012.
  • SB1070

    This marks the introduction of SB1070
  • Legislative Approval

    In 2010 the legislative branch approved SB1070.
  • SB1070 Signed

    SB1070 Signed
    In 20.10 Jan Brewer signed SB1070.
    Bobic, Igor. Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer Trumpets ‘Victory’ On Immigration Law. N.d. n.p. Web. 5 Dec 2012.
  • Sheriff Elections

    Sheriff Elections
    In November Seriff Joe Arpaio was re-elected.
    The Long, Lawless Ride of Sheriff Joe Arpaio Read more:
  • Presedential Election

    Presedential Election
    Obama is re-elected president potentially due to supporters of the plan Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals he proposed.
    Political Punch. N.d. n.p. Web. 5 Dec 2012.
  • Deferred Action for childhood Arrivals

    The DACA was implemented by Janet Napolitano, the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.