
Immigration issues from U.S. and Arizona History .

By lluna2
  • The start of Colonial Immigration; the English settlers arrived to America.

    The start of Colonial Immigration; the English settlers  arrived to America.
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    Immigration History

    Important historical events related to immigration issues from U.S. and Arizona History which have contributed to the present immigration attitudes and issues.
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    The Articles of Confederation maintained citizenship and naturalization of aliens under each states desecration.

  • The Alien Naturalization Act is ratified.

    The Alien Naturalization Act  is ratified.
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    The Alien and Sedition Acts are ratified.

    The President receives the power to make decisions about Aliens status. As well as residency requirement for naturalization becomes 14 Years.
  • Congress minimizes Naturalization Residency Requirements to 5 years.

    Congress minimizes Naturalization Residency Requirements to 5 years.
  • The treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo the betweenUnited States and Mexico. Let the US obtain what is now Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, and some of the areas of Utah and Nevada.

    The treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo  the betweenUnited States and Mexico. Let the US obtain what is now Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas,  and some of the areas of  Utah and Nevada.
  • The Supreme Court states that Congress is the only one who can control immigration issues.

    The Supreme Court states that Congress is the only one who can control immigration issues.
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    The railroad industry hires Chinese and Irish laborers to bulid the first transcontinental railroad

  • The President assigns an immigration issues representative. While Congress makes efforts to consolidate control over the immigration issues.

    The President assigns an immigration issues representative. While Congress makes efforts to consolidate control over  the immigration issues.
  • The treaty of Burlingame is signed between the US and China.

    The treaty of Burlingame is signed between the US and China.
  • Former slaves become naturalization due to the Naturalization Act of 1870.

    Former slaves become naturalization due to the Naturalization Act of 1870.
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    States creating their own immigration laws becomes unconstitutional; Congress takes control of immigrations this now makes it a federal issue.

  • Burlingame Treaty ends.

    Burlingame Treaty ends.
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    A large amount of European Immigrants come to the United States.

  • The Chinese Exclusion Act is passed.

    The Chinese Exclusion Act is passed.
  • The Statue of Liberty is made visible, with the words, "The Huddled Masses Yearning To Be Free", she welcomes a large amount of immigrates to America.

    The Statue of Liberty is made visible, with the words,  "The Huddled Masses Yearning To Be Free", she welcomes a large amount of immigrates to America.
  • Ellis Island Opens as an immigrant entry checkpoint.

    Ellis Island Opens as an immigrant entry checkpoint.
  • The Supreme Court ratifies that the 14th Amendment will grant citizenship to all who are born United States.

    The Supreme Court ratifies that the 14th Amendment will grant citizenship to all who are born United States.
  • The "Gentlemen's Agreement" is signed between the US and Japan.

    The "Gentlemen's Agreement" is signed between the US and Japan.
  • Angel Island opens to be an immigration Station

    Angel Island opens to be an immigration Station
  • The Immigration Act of 1917 denies entrance to Immigrants from Eastern Asia and the Pacific Islands to the US.

    The Immigration Act of 1917 denies entrance to Immigrants from Eastern Asia and the Pacific Islands to the US.
  • The US Border Patrol is established.

    The US Border Patrol is established.
  • President Franklin D. Roosevelt gives the executive order 9066 which sends Japanese Americans to internment camps.

    President Franklin D. Roosevelt gives the executive order 9066  which sends Japanese Americans  to internment camps.
  • The Bracero Program gives farm and railroad jobs for a 22-year period to Mexican temporary laborers.

    The Bracero Program gives farm and railroad jobs for a 22-year period to Mexican temporary laborers.
  • The Magnuson Immigration Act of 1943 lets Chinese to become US Citizens.

    The Magnuson Immigration Act of 1943 lets Chinese to become US Citizens.
  • Ellis Island closes.

    Ellis Island closes.
  • The Bracero Program Ends.

    The Bracero Program Ends.
  • Refugee Act of 1980 lets persecuted individuals look for asylum within the US.

    Refugee Act of 1980 lets persecuted individuals look for asylum within the US.
  • The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) gives legal status to qualifying illegal aliens who entered the US Before Jan. 1, 1982.

    The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) gives legal status to qualifying illegal aliens who entered the US Before Jan. 1, 1982.
  • The Immigration Act of 1990 limits legal immigration and restates the basis for exclusion and deportation of individuals.

    The Immigration Act of 1990 limits legal immigration and restates the basis for exclusion and deportation of individuals.
  • The Illegal Immigrant Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act permits Central Americans the right to become legal residents of the US.

    The Illegal Immigrant Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act permits Central Americans the right to become legal residents of the US.
The Section 245(i) of the Legal Immigration Family Equity (LIFE) Act gives legalization to qualifying illegal aliens.

The Section 245(i) of the Legal Immigration Family Equity (LIFE) Act gives legalization to qualifying illegal aliens.
  • "Minuteman Project" the recruitment of Civilians to Patrol the US-Mexico Border.

    "Minuteman Project" the recruitment of  Civilians to Patrol the US-Mexico Border.
  • Secure Fence Act Authorizes would extend the fencing along the US-Mexican Border.

    Secure Fence Act Authorizes would extend the fencing along the US-Mexican Border.
  • Arizona's SB 1070 was signed by Governor Jan Brewer into law, making being legal in Arizona a crime.

    Arizona's SB 1070 was signed by Governor Jan Brewer into law, making being legal in Arizona a crime.
  • The US Supreme Court maintains in place the Arizona Law that punishes businesses that hire illegal immigrants.

    The US Supreme Court maintains in place the Arizona Law that punishes businesses that hire illegal immigrants.
  • President Obama permits illegal Immigrants who came to the United States as Children to stay in the US.

    President Obama permits illegal Immigrants who came to the United States as Children to stay in the US.
  • US Supreme Court maintains 2010 Arizona Immigration Law, Senate Bill 1070.

    US Supreme Court maintains 2010 Arizona Immigration Law, Senate Bill 1070.