
  • 17 Admendment adopted

    This is important to the united states because it dose not allow US citizens to vote for senetors it only allow the goverment to vote for them
  • Irish Potato famine

    Irish potato Famine the potato crop failed in successice years.
  • first transcontinental railroad completed

    this is important to the united states because it allows a safer and better way to travel around the world
  • Chinese Exclusion act is passed

    the chinese exclusion act it was the first significant law restricting immigration into the united states.
  • ellisisland opens to process immigrants

    this is important because it allow imigrants to come to america
  • President William McKinely

    William McKinley was the 25th president of the United States, serving from March 4, 1897, Untill his assassination in September 1901, six monthsinto his Second term