Naturalization Act
The Naturalization Act officially allowed specific people to have citizenship in the United States if they were already living in the U.S and they agreed to abide by all of the laws. This law was to create uniformity within the U.S and it was the beginning to the immigration issues we are still witnessing today.
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Alien and Sedition Acts
President John Adams signed the Alien and Sedition Acts to increase the number of years immigrants had to reside in the U.S before applying for citizenship. The requirement was originally 5 years and then was increased to 14 years.
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First Federal Legislation on Immigration
The first federal leglisation on immigration occured when the passengers on each ship arrival and departure were being regulated. The passengers had to readily have all information for the citizens in order to not be punished.
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Immigration Act
The Immigration Act encouraged immigrants to come over to the United States. This act had certain quotas to fulfill and only a certain amount of each race could work as laborers. The agreement was very straightforward. An Immigration Superintendent was developed in New York City at this time due to the strictness of the process.
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The 14th Amendment
Congress ratified the 14th amendment with allowing people to citizenship, “all persons born or naturalized in the United States.” This amendment empowered civil rights to all citizens.
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Chinese Exclusion Act
The Chinese Exclusion Act was an active law that Congress created to allow Chinese workers in the United States. This law was the first to have a limit of 10 years of open immigration to Chinese laborers.
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U.S Bureau of Immigration
The Bureau of Immigration was esablished ton manage and record the immigrations statistics. The controlled system kept the federal government up to date with the immigration rates and the foreign policies would be continued to be followed.
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Immigration Act of 1921
The Immigration Act of 1921, also known as the Emergency Quota Act was passed by U.S Congress to limit the percentage of people from European countries to only 3% population from each country. The U.S was fearful of the population's existence.\
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Border Patrol Established
The United States Congress first established the border patrol in both Mexico and Canada borders. This esablishment was to keep non-citizens out of the United States. Border patrol also kept track of the people going out of the U.S and are still doing so today.
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Immigration and Nationality Act
The Immigration and Nationality Act was created by Congress to prohibit people from entering the U.S. after World War II. The law was to specifically not let anyone who had different social and or economic beliefs than the United States.
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Immigration Reform and Control Act
The Immigration Reform and Control Act was passed by Congress to prevent employers from hiring illegal immigrants. However, if a person is an illegal immigrant but meets all of the requirements, he or she would be eligible to become legal.
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U.S.A Patriot Act
Due to the terror attacks, President Bush signed the law to enable more security and less chances of more terror attacks. The law is used to protect from future terror attacks with enforced monitoring on information through social devices.
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AZ Proposition 200
Arizona passed a law requiring for all people to have proof of citizenship when it comes to governmental funding through social and work services. The law is controversial and some call it discrimination.
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Arizona's SB 1070
Arizona's SB 1070 was passed in order to prevent illegal immigrants from entering the U.S. If there is any reason of suspicion and the person does not have their documents of being legal, that person will be charged. The law is controverisal to this day.
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Immigration Act of 1990
The Immigration Act of 1990 was created to increase the number of working class in the United States. Immigrants were given visas if they were willing to abide in the U.S permanently, if they were a skilled worker.
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