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Immigration in the USA

By bidoof
  • Period: 1500 to

    Colonial Age

    Immigrants consisted of religious immigrants escaping persecution
  • The Mayflower's Voyage

    The Mayflower's Voyage
    The pilgrims enter the scene, wanting religious freedom and coming to the new world
  • William Penn's Dream

    William Penn's Dream
    Pennsylvania becomes a haven for immigrants from all over the world
  • A German Immigrant's Guide To Philadelphia

    A German Immigrant's Guide To Philadelphia
    A building run by German immigrants in Philadelphia becomes a resource for other German immigrants to find work and homes
  • Period: to

    The 19th Century

    The introduction to a boom in Irish and German population in America
  • The Naturalization Act is Enacted

    The Naturalization Act is Enacted
    The naturalization act allowed only white people of good character to become citizens, and all children born in America are citizens.
  • Fear The French!

    Fear The French!
    The terror that was the French Revolution caused a stir in America, causing congress to up the amount of years for becoming a citizen from 1 to 5
  • The Mass Irish Arrival

    The Mass Irish Arrival
    arriving in 1850 in droves, becoming roughly 4.5% of the US population in the 1800s
  • Germany's Immigrating Hight

    Germany's Immigrating Hight
    Germans Immigrated for economical reasons, political freedom and religious freedom
  • The Immigration Act is Enacted

    The Immigration Act is Enacted
    This act added a tax of fifty cents to all incoming immigrants and to a certain degree made it so no lunatic, idiot or someone unable to take care of themselves could come to America
  • Italy Rises to the Top of Immigration

    Italy Rises to the Top of Immigration
    Most Italians who immigrated to America were looking to return with enough money to buy land back in Italy but stayed in America
  • Period: to

    The 20th Century

    The height of immigration has begun! Italy and Mexico make their mark as immigrants in the USA
  • Ladies Are Free To Immigrate!

    Ladies Are Free To Immigrate!
    Women were excluded from the Chinese Exclusion Act which allowed them to immigrate freely as long as it wasn't for prostitution
  • World War II

    World War II
    The Second World War stopped immigration from Europe to America, creating an all time low in immigration for America
  • Period: to

    The 21st Century

    Welcome to the Present! Now 27% of our population is made up of immigrants
  • Central America is in The Lead!

    Central America is in The Lead!
    According to a survey done in 2008, immigrants from Central America make up 30.1% of the immigrant population of America
  • Arizona SB 1070

    Arizona SB 1070
    Arizona had been struggling with many illegal immigrants, so on the 23rd of April 2010, governor Jan Brewer signed into law Senate Bill 1070.
  • Arizona V. United States

    Arizona V. United States
    Arizona had made a law that is considered unlawful because it means Arizona Immigration Enforcement could legally throw illegal immigrants out of the state
  • Obama Signs A Huge Executive Order

    Obama Signs A Huge Executive Order
    The executive order shielded over half of all "unauthorized" immigrants from deportation and unstable work -i.e. work with less than minimal pay