Oct 12, 1492
Columbus "discovers" the Americas
First successfull english settlement, Jamestown
First African Slaves arrive in Jamestown
International Slave Trade becomes illegal
all slaves smuggled into the country after this were the first illegal aliens -
Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago Signed
Ended the Mexican American war and gained america colorado, new mexico, texas and parts of utah and nevada. -
Henderson v. Mayor of New York
States that issues of immigration should be left up to the federal government not the states. -
Statue of Liberty dedicated
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..." -
U.S. Bureau of Immigration established
Ellis Island first opened
Immigration and Nationality Act
Immigration Reform and Control Act
Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act
Gov. Brewer Signs SB1070 into law