Naturalization Act
Establishes that only free whites are eligible for citizenship after a residency requirement of two years. http://www.dlt.ncssm.edu/lmtm/lessonplans/EBenjamin/Immigration/Immigration_Cartoon.jpg -
Naturalization Act #2
Naturalization Act requires that each alien residing in the United States must register with the government and raises the residence requirement for naturalization to 14 years. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/5E7zdfdTnsk/Tf68wpgiTWI/AAAAAAAAQgg/UtcWxIBeiVM/s1600/14.jpg -
Alien and Sedition Acts
Rioters protest the limited the rights of immigrants and suppressed criticism of the federal government brought by these acts. http://www.ushistory.org/us/images/00000616.jpg -
Irish Potato Famine
1845-1851 The Irish Potato Famine leads to a massive immigration of Irish to the United States. http://bonesdontlie.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/080808-irish-potato-famine.jpg -
California Gold Rush
Gold is discovered in John Sutter’s mill, setting off the California gold rush and lead to the mass immigration of thousands of Chinese people to the United State's West coast. http://ocp.hul.harvard.edu/immigration/images/goldrushmap.jpg -
Revolutionary Germany
Revolutionary activities begin in Germany, but the failure of the revolution in 1849 will lead many Germans to immigrate to the United States. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b7/Maerz1848_berlin.jpg/220px-Maerz1848_berlin.jpg -
Transcontinental Railroad Complete
The Transcontinental Railroad is finally completed and opening the western United States to settlement leadin many immigrants to the US. http://www.theworldwonders.com/industrial/railroad.jpg -
Chinese Exclusion Act
The first Chinese Exclusion Act prevents Chinese laborers from entering the United States, minimizes the number and type of Chinese immigrants coming into the country, and prevents Chinese immigrants from becoming citizens through the process of naturalization. http://www.mrboll.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/chinese-exclusion-act-1882.jpg -
Ellis Island Opens
Ellis Island opens as the gateway to America for immigrants. http://sydaby.eget.net/swe/pics/ellis_island_l.jpg -
Ellis Island's Record Breaking Numbers
A record-breaking number of immigrants (11,747) are processed at Ellis Island. -
National Origins Act of 1924
Limited the number of immigrants and favors northern and western Europeans over southern and eastern Europeans, and also bans all immigration from East and South Asia. http://cdn.dipity.com/uploads/events/eb6acf4ebba98ca869cc0455a4be30a5_1M.png -
U.S. Border Patrol
Congress establishes the U.S. Border Patrol. http://www.hispanicallyspeakingnews.com/uploads/images/article-images/us-border-patrol.jpeg -
The Alien Registration Act
Requires the fingerprinting of all aliens in the United States. http://www.idfpr.com/DPR/images/fingerprint.gif -
Executive Order 9066
After the Attack on Pearl Harbor and resulted in the internment of 120,000 Japanese and Japanese-Americans. http://questgarden.com/12/37/9/051210192950/images/To_All_Persons_of_Japanese_Descentb.GIF -
Chinese Exclusion Act Repealed
The Chinese Exclusion Act is repealed, making people of Chinese ancestry eligible for U.S. citizenship. -
Refugee Relief Act
Makes it easier for immigrants to enter the U.S. in search of political asylum and eliminates immigrant quotas during emergency situations. http://www.iiakron.org/editor/assets/citizenship-akron-bw.jpg -
Public School Programs Change
The Supreme Court rules that public schools must provide programs to teach students with limited ability to speak and understand English. http://www.exoticabooks.com/wpcontent/uploads/2012/07/English-Language.jpg -
Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act
It tightened border enforcement and raised new barriers to refugees. http://pennybailbonds.com/wpcontent/uploads/2012/03/seal_immigration.jpg -
California’s Proposition 227
Ended bilingual education in the state of California. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/8jMXNoqLpko/TcblNUbsrCI/AAAAAAAAAFk/DExLkeeDPzQ/s1600/15767294.jpeg -
Information Citation