Immigration Act
This act that was passed stated that the immigrants could not take up more than 2% of the U.S Population. -
Wetback Operation
The border patrol siexed over 800,000 illegal immigrants sending them back over the border. This event led the public to see how many illegal immigrants were coming into the United States. -
Immigration Act
In 1965, this act was completly revise for the entire U.S. immigration system. In the revision quotas were removed based on race and were more implemented on more general quotas. -
North American Free Trade Agreement
Mexico, the United States and Canda are allowed to trade between the three nations. -
NAFTA Collapse
In 1994, the NAFTA was coupled with Mexico and had an economic collapse. It brought roughly 13 million undocumented illegal immigrants into the United States for over the next 15 years. -
Help From Bill Clinton
In 1995, Mexico was struggling financially. In order to help them Bill Clinton gave Mexico 20 billion dollars which allowed Mexico to get back on their feet and focus on the drug problems. -
Bill Clinton approach for illegal Immigration
In Bill Clinton's re election speech he focuses on the idea of illegal immigration. His idea to sway California and Texas was to have sensors installed and 40 miles of 14-foot fence to go against the border to stop illegal immigration -
Clinton vistis Mexico
Bill Clinton is the first president to visit Mexico since Jimmy Carter. -
Delaration with Mexican President
Bill Clinton signed a declaration with the Mexican president Ernesto Zedillo to commit their nations to devise a plan for drug trafficking. -
Proposition 200
Voters passed Prop. 200 which stated that illegal immigrants are not allowed federal benefits. -
State Employer Sanctions Law
In 2007, this law was passed that stated people or buisnesses in the states found hiring or emplung illegal immigrants have the ability to have their licenses suspended or revoked. -
Judge Blocks Key Parts of Arizona's Anti-Illegal Immigration Law
Judge Susan Bolton blocked a requirement in a law that states it is required that police check the immigration status of people stopped for routinue. -
SB 1070 becomes Active
The law that stated that police were allowed to ask for proof of citizenship with reasonable suspision goes into affect. This leaves many americans stating it is unconstituational and also racial profiling. -
Supreme Court Upholds Arizona Law
In 2011, the Supreme Court said that Arizona does not bar from suspending or revoking businesses that employ illegal immigrants. -
Supreme Court Upholds Centerpiece of 2010
The provision stated that in Arizona law officals are allowed to ask immigration status of anyone they stop or arrest.