
Immigration History In My Horizontal Line

  • Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves

    Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves
    With this act, slaves were no longer permitted to be imported into the U.S.
  • 1854 Elections

    1854 Elections
    The Knownothing party supported the idea of restricting immigration. In the congress elections of 1854, many people from that party were elected.
  • Anti-Coolie Act

    Anti-Coolie Act
    Chinese railroad workers were now limited to immigrate with this act.
  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    This act provided lands for the poor and immigrants. These places of residence were very cheap and/or free. This act eventually brought many immigrants to the United States.
  • Immigration Act of 1882

    Immigration Act of 1882
    The act that made immigrants pay fifty cents for every person that entered the country. Many groups were denied entrance and crazy people weren't allowed in the country either.
  • Anarchist Exclusion Act

    Anarchist Exclusion Act
    This act allowed immigrants to be excluded depending on their political stature.
  • Immigration Act of 1917

    Immigration Act of 1917
    This act made it necessary for people to take a literacy test and pass it in order to be allowed to immigrate into the United States.
  • Jones-Shafroth Act

    Jones-Shafroth Act
    This act stated that those residents of Puerto Rico who wanted to become U.S. citizens, had to join the military.
  • Emergency Quota Act

    Emergency Quota Act
    The Emergency Quota Act limited immigraion to 3% of what it was in 1920. This image perfectly portrays how immigration was basically controlled under this act.
  • Alien Registration Act

    Alien Registration Act
    This act is recognized as the green card legislation.
  • Bracero Program

    Bracero Program
    With this program, the U.S. imported thousands of Mexican laborers to work as agricultural laborers here in the U.S.
  • McCarran-Walter Act

    McCarran-Walter Act
    This act gave the priority to immigrants with family members already living in America or to those who had a special career in America, such as being in the medical field.
  • Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act

    Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act
    What this did was make the border enforcement stronger than it was before. Also, benefits weren't going to be given to those who weren't citizens.
  • Mexican border is reinforced

    Mexican border is reinforced
    President Bush allows 6,000 National Guard members to assist the Border Patrol working near the Mexico border.
  • Arizona Immigration Law

    Arizona Immigration Law
    This law gives the responsibility to the Arizona police to enforce this law that considers being an illegal alien, a crime.