Chinese Exclusion Act
The Chinese Exclusion Act was passed by Congress and signed by President Chester A. Arthur which provided an absolute 10-year moratorium on Chinese labor immigration. This allowed immigrants to enter the United States for the first time. -
Geary Act
When the exclusion act expired in 1892, Congress extended it for 10 years in the form of the Geary Act. This was bad news for those who had xenophobia, because it continued the stay of the imigrants in the United States. -
Geary Act Made Permanent
The Geary Act was made permanent along with added restrictions by requiring each Chinese resident to register and obtain a certificate of residence. If found without a certifcant, the resident would be forced to leave. This controlled and brought an exact number to how many imigrants were allowed to be residents. Also, it created an organized system and people who had xenophobia were still at a lost. -
African Americans Moving North
Seven million of the nation's eight million African Americans resided below the Cotton Curtain. But in the next fifteen years, more than one-tenth of the country's black population would voluntarily move north. -
Pennsylvania Railroad
When the attention of the American press and public was focused on the Great War in Europe, few noticed the tiny stream of Southern black men brought north by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company to work on the rail lines. This was important to the introduction of immigration going by unnoticed in the United States. -
Silent Protest Parade
Between 10,000 and 15,000 African Americans joined the Silent Protest Parade, marching down Fifth Avenue in complete silence to protest violence against blacks. -
Geary Act Stoped Regulating Chinese Immigration
After the war there was an increase in immigration, which forced Congress to adopt new regulations. These regulations included quotas and requirements pertaining to national origin. Also, at this time people who feared imigrants had quieted down. -
End of The Great Migration
The great migration ended and was the first step in the full nationalization of the African-American population. -
Repealed Exclusion Acts
Congress repealed all the exclusion acts, leaving a yearly limit of 105 Chinese and gave foreign-born Chinese the right to seek naturalization. Although this didn't last for long. This was good news for those who had xenophobia because it decreased the amount of immigrants in the United States. -
Immigration Act of 1965
A limit of 170,000 immigrants from outside the Western Hemisphere could enter the United States, with a maximum of 20,000 from any one country. This allowed more immigrants, but kept it under control so that the country wasn't consumed by imigrants from another country.