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Immigration Autobiographical Timeline B Angel Island

  • Birth

    This the Day i was born
  • Came to America

    Came to America
    On March, 23 1861 my family came to America from Thailand because our family needs to find a new way of life and so we can have the freedom our contry didnt have. When we got to Angel Island we had to take a quiz on how our english was, most of us barely pasted the quiz. My family wanted to gain freedom.
  • Parents got an apartment

    Parents got an apartment
    After a year of living in the United Stated my parents finally had enough money to buy there first apartment. But it was a very run down apartment what you peope refure to as a slum.
  • Went to the Alaska Gold Rush

    Went to the Alaska Gold Rush
    After many years of going to job to job i decided to move out to Alaska to strick it rich as a Gold Miner. It took many many months of ruff conditions.