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Immigration and Westward Expansion

  • Period: to

    Immigration and Westward Expansion

    This timeline follows my made-up Irish immigrant, Margaret McDaniel and her husband from the potato rot to settling in Western America.
  • The Potato Rot Hits Ireland

    The Potato Rot Hits Ireland
    Because of the dark, unforgiving and famishing potato rot, my husband and I have serious thoughts of immigrating West to the "Golden Land" of America. That's what our neighbors, the O'Reillys, did. People call them crazy because they think the potato rot will let up. But this is getting unbearable. It will let up, but not soon enough. I am positive that America is our only hope.
  • Arrival in America

    Arrival in America
    Although it took a while to get here and the boat ride in steerage was dirty, we have finally arrived in America! I could not be more happier. This may be the best moment of my life! The only way to make it better is to be able to easily find food, a job and a place to stay. I have a sinking feeling that it may not be easy...
  • Finding a Job

    Finding a Job
    Even though America was famed plentiful and full of jobs, it has not been easy to find one. My husband and I have been hit with “No Irish Need Apply” signs. How prejudiced and rude! Luckily, there was room in a factory plucking chickens for both me and my husband. But the factory is dirty, small and overcrowded, reminding me of steerage. The only difference is we are earning money, but not much. At least we have food and a roof over our heads.
  • Opportunities Out West

    Opportunities Out West
    Putting aside the fact that we have a paying job here in New York, word swept through town that an act had been passed—the Pacific Railway Act of 1862—and we were swayed. Irish and Chinese immigrants were welcome to come west and work on a railroad. The idea of a railroad long enough to stretch across the whole country seemed preposterous, but my husband insisted. Higher pay and a plot of land does sound nice. West we shall go.
  • Claiming a Plot of Land

    Claiming a Plot of Land
    This is remarkable! The Homestead Act was passed in 1860, granting us 160 acres of free land, if we improve and work on it for five years. Of course we would take that! This land will be perfect for finally settling down here in America. I finally understand why they call it the “Golden Land.”
  • Settled Down

    Settled Down
    Shouldn’t this be the moment to relax, and have no worries? No; it’s even better. I get to work all around the land and look after our two children. I never wanted to sit idle in a house. I’ve wanted to work and play and get my hands dirty in the soil of my very own plot of land. This is all I’ve ever hoped for, and I am overjoyed that we made the tough decision to come to America from Ireland.