Immigration and Westward Expansion

By kfourie
  • Drought in China

    Drought in China
    At the start of 1850, there was a rebellion brewing in Southern China. This revolt was called the Taiping Rebellion, which led to a huge civil war. This cuased tons of farmland to be shut down which led to a drought and famine. A common tactic used in wars os to starve the enemy by destroying farms, and was used in the American Civil War.
  • Period: to

    Immigration and Westward Expansion

  • Immigration to America

    Immigration to America
    The recent revolt and famine dried up many small home towns. Many families survived the best they could, until they looked for other options. One of those options, was America. Tons of Chinese men and women left their native country to America because of lack of food or water. Because of the drought and famine in China, multiple people Immigrated to the United States.
  • Construction of Transcontinetal Railroad

    Construction of Transcontinetal Railroad
    After arriving in Angel Island in San Franscisco Bay, many immigrants realized that it wasn't as easy as they thought to get jobs. Luckily for them, the U.S. government needed manual labor for their Transcontinental Railroad. Most of the workers on the railroad were immigrants, whether they were from China, Ireland, or somewhere else.
  • Transcontinental Railroad Finished

    In 1869, the construction to the Transcontinental Railroad concluded, leaving many immigrants unemployed. Although the Companies leading the construction of the railroad didn't pay too well, it was a secure job. Now that it was finished, the many immigrants had to start searching for employment somewhere else.
  • Becoming a U.S. Citizen

    Becoming a U.S. Citizen
    After living in the U.S. for 10 years, immigrants could become citizens as long as they met other requirements. Becoming a citizen gave immigrants new rights like voting for political representatives. Becoming a citizen also helped with racism, but not very much.
  • Drought and Famine End

    Although the Taiping Rebellion ended in 1864, the drought and famine continued unltil 1873. The end of many families starving slowed down the amount of immigrants into America, but not by much. The drought and famine ending actually allowed families to join their other family members who paved the way into america.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 denied Chinise immigrants from entering the U.S. This means that any immigrants who arrived at Angel Island, would have to stay there until the act was repealed, or head back home. In many situations, this kept many families seperate. When families sent one member to start a life in the U.S. and planned to have the rest of the family follow, thye were disapointed.
  • Kinkaid Act of 1904

    Kinkaid Act of 1904
    Kinkaid Act was an Amendment of the Homestead Act that opened up North-West Nebraska to Homesteading. The Homestead Act was an act that gave away land for free or very small prices as long as the land was improved. The Kinkaid Act gave away part of Nebraska to this idea of homesteading. The major pull of these acts was the low cost of land, where land just about anywhere else had to be inherited to be obtained.