Immigration and Westward Expansion

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    Immigration and Westward Expansion

  • Traveling to America

    Traveling to America
    I have boarded a large boat that is filled with all diffrent kinds of people italian, irish, and mainly british. I am excited to get to America for the free land out west and all the job oppurtunities. I am happy to to get a fresh start because Wales was in the middle of a heavy snowstorm which has destroyed most of my crops. Once i reach America i am hoping to settle out west and farm corn and carrots.
  • Railroad Worker

    Railroad Worker
    i have started to work in the mountains and the plains building railroad tracks and clearing timber.I live in very harsh conditions, we get fed breakfast, lunch and dinner but only very little scraps of food. I get payed very little but i am saving up so i can move out west and settle.
  • Jail

    While I was working on the railroads I was very hungry so at dinner I stole a piece of bread. Unfortunately a head offcial saw me and I was taken to jail. The police took me back to the city and i had to stay in jail for 10 days. Jail was a terrible experience I was fed very little and now I have lost my railroad job. Now i have barely any money and no place to live.
  • Journey West

    Journey West
    While i was homeless on the streets I found a family that offered for me to be there servant, they said they would pay for me by giving me food and shelter. I accepted and now the family has told me that they are moving out west to new land so they can farm. We leave in 1 week and I am very excited.
  • Oklahoma Territory

    Oklahoma Territory
    We have been traveling west for four years now and we have finally reached Oklahoma territory. The land out here is beautiful, there are streams filled witgh beautiful trout and the trees here are as tall as buildings. The family that i work for (the Smith's) are planning to farm the land and grow corn and carrots. The sun is high in the sky every day and at night the moon shines brighter than the sun. The oklahoma territory is perfect and i wouldn't of asked for any other land.
  • Gold

    A few weeks ago when I was bathing in the stream i came upon a yellow substance and I soon realized that it was gold. I immedately grabbed as much as I could find and I came home and sold it it a very high price to the rich merchants. I have an enrournmous sum of money and I have everything I want. Now more and more people are coming to the new land looking for gold in the rivers.
  • Family

    I have met the most amazing girl in the world and we have married. Her name is Rose Monroe, her parents have a Inn where they house workers and feed them. We have two kids named Jake and Anthony. Jake is only three months and Anthony is two years old. We have moved into our own house and we have a stream in our backyard that is filled with salmon which we catch and sell during fish season and in the other seasons i cut and sell timber with Rose's older brothers.