Italian Unification
Italy was spilt into several different “states” the main “state” was were the Italians were and the other “states” were ruled by Austria, Papal States, Bourbon Dynasty and many other foreign Duchies. The other states were finally united in 1861, but some people did not agree with this, so they left for America like me. -
Homestead Act
For years, people were asking the government when will the western land be available. The people in the South thoughts that this could create nonslave states. The government then created the Homestead Act which gives 160 acres of free land to anyone who agreed to live and improve that land for five years. Many European immigratns were homesteaders -
Overpopulation in Italy
The Italian population was overflowing. By the 1870s the birthrates rose and the death rates fell massively. The city I lived in, Sicily, was one of the more populated. It was a fight to have a nice clean, and healthy house or living on the streets stealing food. -
Problems with Wages and Working Conditions
In order to survive you had to work. But a job in a factory was a very dangerous job. You had to work 10-12 hours a day, no sick days, low pay, dull and repetitive jobs, and in unsafe and unhealthy working conditions. During this time the average wage was less than ten dollars a week. -
Building the Track
Most of the immigrants that lay the track down were Irish. This job was dangerous due to the explosives and long hard hours of work put into this job. In the Central Pacific there were more than 10,000 Chinese men who laid the railroad track down. -
Moving to the Frontier
Because of the railroad, more and more people were moving to the frontier. The railroads allowed people to go from one side of the country to the other side in a quick amount of time compared to traveling by wagon. Most people brought lumber, food, and other necessities needed to build a home. -
The Cattle Industry
Ranching was a big money maker in the West. Before the railroad was laid down most ranchers had very small herds of cattle. More and more people wanted to buy cattle or buy the meat. This caused the need for more ranchers.