Eastern europe

Immigration and Urbanization

By MN17762
  • 1800's

    Immigrants were fleeing from:
    crop failures
    rising taxes
    famine- extreme scarcity of food.
    escaping religious or political persecution
  • 1840's

    Irish and German immigrants began to arrive at New York
  • 1850s Nativism

    1850s Nativism
    Know Nothing Party had many followers by vowing to restrict immigration. Policy of Nativism: favoring native born Americans over immigrants, reappeared.
  • America's population

    31.5 million people
  • Law passed

    Law passed
    The law was passed, the law allowed employers have foreign laborers.
  • Period: to

    America's population

    30 million people
  • Period: to


    • about 10 million immigrants arrived
    • Most came from northwestern and central European countries:
    • about 2.8 million from Germany,
    • another 1.8 million from Great Britain,
    • nearly 1.4 million from Ireland.
  • The Prohibition party

    The Prohibition party
    Temperance movement: campaign to eliminate alcohol consumption.
  • Woman’s Christian Temperance Union

    Woman’s Christian Temperance Union
  • The Charity Organization Movement

    The Charity Organization Movement
    The COS was founden by Josephine Shaw Lowell
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    The CEA closes the door for immigrants from china.
  • Nativists

    Nativists won a victory in 1885, when congress repealed the Contract Labor Act.
  • The American Protective Associations

    The American Protective Associations
    The American Protective Associations (1887) targeted immigrants, just like the Catholic Church.
  • Charles Hull Mansion

    Charles Hull Mansion
    Jane Addams & Ellen Gates Starr bought Charles Hull mansion in Chicago. They opened it for immigrants.
  • Banned Alcohol

    Banned Alcohol
    By 1890 only 3 states had banned alcohol. ( Maine, Kansas, and North Dakota )
  • Immigrants

    A new reception center for immigrants opens at Ellis Island.
  • Anti Saloon League

    Anti Saloon League
    ↪ Opposed drinking on grounds that led to tragedies.
  • The Immigration Restriction League

    The Immigration Restriction League
    The Immigration Restriction League was organized, it excluded immigrants by requiring them to pass literacy tests.
  • Peter Mossini

    Came from a poor family
    - worked in a factory
    - 10 cents a day
  • Immigrants

    Immigration in the US reaches an all-time high.
  • Federal Council of the Churches of Christ.

    Federal Council of the Churches of Christ.
    Federal Council of the Churches of Christ was formed by the followers of the social gospel movement