chinese exclusion act
the Chinese Exclusion Act was passed by Congress and signed by President Chester A. Arthur. -
extention of the exclution act
When the exclusion act expired in 1892, Congress extended it for 10 years in the form of the Geary Act. -
the excultion was made perminant
the act was made permanent in 1902, added restrictions by requiring each Chinese resident to register and obtain a certificate of residence. -
larger migration
The first large movement of blacks occurred during World War I, when 454,000 black southerners moved north. -
great migration
The Great Migration was the mass movement of about five million southern blacks to the north and west between 1915 and 1960 -
large migration
another 800,000 blacks left the south -
massive migration continue
Between 1940 and 1960 over 3,348,000 blacks left the south for northern and western cities. -
reapealing the act
In 1943 Congress repealed all the exclusion acts, leaving a yearly limit of 105 Chinese and gave foreign-born Chinese the right to seek naturalization. -
immigration act
the immigration act was passed -
the regulations
Effective July 1, 1968, a limit of 170,000 immigrants from outside the Western Hemisphere could enter the United States, with a maximum of 20,000 from any one country. -
the immigration act was revised and improved
The Immigration Act of 1990 provided the most comprehensive change in legal immigration since 1965.The act further provides that visas for any single foreign state in these categories may not exceed 7 percent of the total available.