Immigration and Industrialization

  • The Ku Klux Klan is Established

    A group of people who were strongly against colored
  • John D. Rockefeller Creates Standard Oil

    He was the first to find oil and use it also considered the worlds first billionaire.
  • Alexander Graham Bell Patents the Telephone

    Made his first call only 6 miles away from where he was standing
  • The Great Oklahoma Land Race

    People rushed to claim homesteads or purchase lots
  • Ellis Island Opens to Process Immigrants

    An island where immigrants came to be tested for illnesses and other defects.
  • The Wizard of Oz (Book) is Published

    This was considered to be the first fantasy written book by an American.
  • Teddy Roosevelt Becomes President of the United States

    The 26th President Teddy Roosevelt took office on September 14, 1901
  • Ida Tarbell Publishes Her Article About Standard Oil

    They started investigating Rockefeller oil company
  • Ford Motor Company is Founded

    Beside Henry was 12 other men who invested $28,000 and created Ford Motor Company.
  • Angel Island Opens to Process Immigrants

    Very similar to Ellis island, angle island did the same thing nut it was on the west coast
  • The 17th Amendment is Passed

    The Seventeenth Amendment requires a governor to call a special election to search you
  • The Empire State Building Opens

    This building was put up in no time taking only 410 days