
By ald0
  • Period: to


  • Naturalization Act of 1790

    In order to apply to be a citizen a person needs to have lived in the U.S. for two years.
  • The Naturalization Act of 1795

    It differed from the other one because it wanted to expand the period from two years to five
  • The Naturalization Act of 1798

    Congress passed this act so they could extend the time from 5 to 14 years of residency so a person could become a citizen.
  • The Naturalization Act of 1870

    This was a law that was passed to control the process and penalties for fraudelent practices.
  • Page Act of 1875

    The first federal law that did not allow the immigrants to enter the U.S.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    This restricted all Chinese Immigrants from entering the U.S.
  • Immigration Act of 1882

    There were two parts to this act on was that every immigrant had to be taxed before entering the country and paid only 50 cents
  • Geary Act

    This was passed to extend the Chinese Exclusion act of 1882
  • Immigration Act of 1903

    added four inadmissable classes anarchists, epilepsy, beggars, and prostitutes.
  • Naturaliation Act of 1906

  • Immigration Act of 1907

    This act started to limit how many immigrants were allowed to come into the U.S.
  • Immigration Act of 1917

    This added onto the rest of the indesirable acts that would limit the people that enter country as immigrants.
  • Immigration Act of 1918

    This act was the act that U.S. used to report and send immigrants back to where they are from. This was how they starting keeping the people out of the U.S.
  • The Chinese Exclusion Repeal Act of 1943

    This allowed chinese immigration since the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882.
  • The Real I.D. Act of 2005

    This modified U.S.federal law pertaining to security, authentication, and issuarance procedures.