Immigration 1700-1776

By skase
  • Africans

    Came to due to slavey
  • Europeans

  • Africans

    Slave auction.
  • Jobs

    Many worked on farms or laborers.
  • Immigrant Conditions

    Immigrant Conditions
    -Many came as “redemptioners” - worked for years to pay off their passage, as well as the passage of their family members who died along the way.
    -Did not live in the nicest of areas, found themselves in poor and disease infested areas.
    -Not allowed to marry or have children while an indentured servant.
    -Many people were kidnapped in order to be brought over and sold.
  • Period: to


    First big wave of Europeans, mostly English, to arrive in large numbers.
  • Germans

    Major wave of immigrants due to war
  • Quakers

    Quakers were a major immigrant group - left due to rejection of social hierarchy and were looking for religious freedom, were 3rd largest religious group in colonies by 1750.
  • Period: to


    came due to famine and escape religious persecution