
  • 1849- The California Gold Rush

    The California Gold Rush draws many Asian immigrants to the United States
  • 1882- The Chinese Exuclusion Act

    Because of The Chinese Exuclusion Act the U.S. does not allow any chinese immigrants to come to the U.S.
  • 1891- Immigration Act

    The immigration act was formed for immigration control.
  • 1910- The Mexican Revolution

    The Mexican Revolution sends many mexican people to the U.S. borders looking for safety and work.
  • 1918- Passaport Act

    The Passaport Act is formed to prevent people to arrive to the U.S. without documentation.
  • 1924- Immigration & Naturalization Act

    The Immigration & Naturalization Act is made to prevent mexican immigrants to come to the U.S. During this time the U.S. also creates border patrol to help prevent it.
  • 1942-1964 The Bracero Program

    This program was made to provide documentation and jobs to mexican immigrants because of the U.S. shortages while W.W.II was taking place.
  • 1952- McCaran Walter Immigration Program

    This program like The Bracero Program is the same only this program extends to Asia because of the U.S. shortage during W.W.II
  • 1965- President signs Immigration Act

    President Johnson sings Immigration act and eliminates all opportunity for immigrants to move to the U.S.
  • 1986- Immigration Reform and Control Act

    Is created to make it illegal for any workers to hire any immigrants. And during this time border patrol is increased.
  • Reform and Immigration Resposibility Act

    Eliminates the possibitliy of illegal immigrants to legalize thier status.