
  • Treaty of Guadalupe

    Treaty of Guadalupe
    The Treaty of Guadalupe ended the Mexican-American war. Unfortunately, 45 percent of what was once Mexico had to given up to the United States Authority.
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  • First train crossing the border

    First train crossing the border
    The first train with undocumented Mexican-Americans looking for jobs crosed on August 2nd 1882. However, a lot of people crossed before just as workers.
  • The Mexican Revolution

    The Mexican Revolution
    The Mexican Revolution caused thousands of Mexican migrant workers to move to the United States. Due to this, the economy changed.into a a working era.
  • First mass repatriation

    First mass repatriation
    During the Great Depression, 500,000 "illegal" immigrants were deported due to the lack of jobs for American workers
  • Bracero Program

    Bracero Program
    The Bracero Program was put into place due to the mass deportation prior. There was a lack of workers and a lot of positions open, so this program hired migrants to come do the work that men overseas used to.
  • Operation Wetback

    Operation Wetback
    During this operation, workers who didn't fall under the Bracero Program's requierements were deported. Therefore, over one million undocumented immigrant workers were deported. .
  • Immigration Act of 1965

    Immigration Act of 1965
    This act removed quotas based on race and decided to implement more general ones.
  • Immigration Reform and Control Act

    Immigration Reform and Control Act
    President Reagan, Senator Kennedy, and the congressional leadership worked to grant amnesty to the three million immigrants that were already in the U.S However, the bill aslo included harsher penalties for those who hired undocumented immigrants. Although these were never enforced, spontaneous raids and deportations did happen
  • North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

    North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
    Along with passing NAFTA and the Mexican Economic collapse during 1994, around 13 million undocumented immigrants crossed the border to come to the U.S in the span of 15 years.
  • SB1070

    This law allows officials to ask for legal papers regarding the immigration status of any suspicious person. This law is known as one of the most controversial ones due to racial profiling.
  • Block of SB1070

    Block of SB1070
    A judge temporarily blocked the most controversial parts of SB1070 on the night before it was implemented
  • Decrease in immigrants coming into the U.S

    Decrease in immigrants coming into the U.S
    The number of unauthorized immigrants coming in has decreased from 2007 to 2009 . When the number was announced, the Obama administration tried to make it seem their victory for all the deportations; however, the main cause was the economy.
  • Business Immigration law

    Business Immigration law
    U.S supreme court implemented law that punished business that hired illegal immigrants. Their license could be either suspended or revoked
  • DREAMers

    Obama allows undocumented immigrants who came in the country as children to remain in the United States. The majority of the people who have permission to remain in the U.S are students known as the DREAMers who want to receive a higher education.
  • Uphold of SB1070

    Uphold of SB1070
    The Supreme court rules that the "show me your papers" clause remain, which was one of the most controversial parts of the law. However, they did leave a window for more arguments for it or against it