
  • Chienese Exclusion Act

    Chienese Exclusion Act
    Which stopped entry of Chiense immigrants into the U.S. for ten years. That act was the first establish the federal goverment's right to restrict immigration based on nationalities.
  • Restrictive Act

    Restrictive Act
    more restrictive acts were passsed in 1888 and 1891. They allowed the national government not only to exclude certain individuals convicts prostitutes, and insane persons.
  • Quota Act

    the act limited the annual number of immigrants from each nationality to 3 percernt of the number of foreign-born persons of the nationality who were living in the U.S. in 1910
  • immigration Act of 1924 and National Origins Act of 1929

    immigration Act of 1924 and National Origins Act of 1929
    immigration Act of 1924 and the National Origins Act of 1929 established a new quta system for each nationality and set a limit ont he total number of immigrants to be allowed entry at all (150,000 per year). The quota system that resulted from these acts served as the basis for U.S. immigration policy for more than thirty-five years
  • Eliminated Quotas Base

    Law had eliminated quotas based on national origin. As many as 270,000 immigrants could be admitted each year without regard to nationality, country of origin or race.
  • Immigration Reform and Control Act

    imposed severe penalties on employers who willfully hired illegal aliens (fines range from $250 to 10,000 for each offense and jailed for up to six months). Law also included an amnesty program.
  • Amnesty Program

    Amnesty Program
    Summer of 1987-88, illegal aliens who could prove that they had been in this country continuously for at least five years could apply to obtain temporary legal residency status.
  • Immigration Act

    Immigration Act
    This act raised legal immigration levels back by about 40 percent to 700,000 per year. it stressed family reunification provided legal status for certain illegal immigrants, and struck down brarriers blocking people with certain political beliefs from entry.
  • Proposition 187

    Proposition 187
    Anti-immgration sentiments were clearly evident in California in 1994. In that year, Prosposition 187 was put on the ballot. It denied public social services, publicily funed health care, and public education to people who were suspected of being illegal aliens.
  • Immigration Reform Act

    Immigration Reform Act
    The act had many provision aimed at curbing illegal immigration into the U.S.
  • Welfare Reform Act

    Welfare Reform Act
    Prohibited immigrants including legal immigrants who are not yet citizens, from receiving most forms of public assistance, including welfare benefits.
  • Policy

    Many Americans thought that this new policy toward immigrants was to harsh. Congress revised its policy in 1997. Under the new policy, many refugees automatically become eligible for permanent legal residence.