
By leeli
  • Ellen Ochoa

    Ellen Ochoa
    Ellen Ochoa becomes hte first Hispanic woman to go to space abroad the Space Shuttle Discovery.

    NAFTA takes effect eliminating all tariffis bewteen Canada, Mexico and the United States.
  • Prop 187

    Prop 187
    California passes prop 187 with 59 percent of the vote.
  • Prop 187

    Prop 187
    Proposition 187 is ruled uncontitutuional, according to the federal government.
  • Eliseo Medina

    Eliseo Medina
    She became the first Mexican American Vice President of the Service Employee International Union.
  • Discrimination

    Following the terrorist attack of 9/11, harassment and police profiling increased. Which for the next five years immigrants faced discrimination.
  • Hispanics

    Hispanics are pronounced as the nation's largest minority group
  • Minutemen

    Arizonans organize a group called "Tbe Minutemen".
  • Antonio Villaraigosa

    Antonio Villaraigosa
    The first Mexican American mayor of Los Angles
  • Day Without Immigrants

    Day Without Immigrants
    Hundred of thousands of Latin immigrants participated in the Day Without Immigrants, boycotting work and school.
  • freedom Tower

    freedom Tower
    Was designed a National Historic Landmark. Offering national sanction relief to Cuban refugees.
  • Supreme Court

    Supreme Court
    Sonia Sotomayor was sworn in as the first latina in the Supreme Court Justice.
  • Jan Brewer

    Jan Brewer
    Jan Brewer signs the toughest anti-illegal immigrant law in United States History.
  • Georgia

    The state of Georgia enacts its own version of Arizona's SB-1070. SB-1070- anyone stopped witthout a drivers license was handed over to immigration
  • Population

    Hispanics made up about 51 million people in the United States.