Origin Story: Historical happenings
A civil war has broken between Nigeria and Biafra due to religious conflicts in each political systems. Biafra couldn't handle coexisting with us (Nigeria) so they took action. Whispers of people leaving Nigeria are becoming apparent... -
Origin Story: Politics
People are fleeing by any means possible. Nigeria is very hostile right now and people don't want to stick around. Both the political systems of Nigeria and Biafra are failing due to vicious revolts of the people. Nigerians government is starting to cut off food supply to Biafra. Things might get hasty quick.. -
Origin Story: Economy
Capital stock is starting to diminish. Roads and buildings of apposing sides are being demolished by theirs foes. The war is starting to take casualties and I'm starting to think that maybe we should evacuate.. -
Origin Story: Final Straw
Biafra troops have invaded the Niger River Bridge. Several thousand men are said to be invading now. I've enough and my family and I are leaving Nigeria forever. Where we shall go? I have no clue, but any place is better than here right now. -
Off to Canada
My name is Tyrell Jones. I'm a 25 year old, married, Nigerian citizen. My wife Priscilla and I didnt want to leave Nigeria, but we saw no other choice. After carefully evaluating our options.. My wife and I have decided that we should immigrate to Canada! Priscilla has an older sister that lives in Ontario, so she said she would take us in as our sponsor! This was a great decision because war in Nigeria is only getting worse! -
Fall of Nigerias Economy
After Biafra seceded from Nigeria things got hasty.. It was almost like the American civil war. Political heads bashed and things turned hostile. The main country tried to bring the smaller state back in, but obviously this didn't go over well. So Nigeria shut down all producers of supplies in this country to force them back.. I'm glad we got out of there while we still could!! -
Starting Fresh
Priscilla and I are looking to start new in Canada. Our lives in Nigeria were not the worst, but it definitely could of been better. Priscilla's sister told us that we should be able to find jobs pretty easily around Ontario. -
Family Ties
As I've mentioned before, Priscilla's sister has lived in Ontario for years. She moved up here when she met her husband who was visiting Nigeria back when they were in college. She took us in as a sponsor and without her Priscilla and I would not be able to get into Canada. -
Ontario Canada
I've heard stories of how amazing Ontario, but I never knew if they were quite true... Just the short time we've been here its been amazing!! Ontario takes in the most Nigerian Immigrants out of all the Canadian providences and territories. It is very popular among Immigrants because of the friendly environments and the demand for workers. -
Entering the Work Force
The Boat ride to Canada was long and treacherous. but we made it and couldnt be happier! Priscilla's sister has gotten us into the OINP, which is a program in which sets up skilled immigrants with jobs. So we both should be well on our way to having a source of income in Canada! The OINP was a huge reason why we chose to go to Canada. -
Culture Shock
Transitioning into the Canadian lifestyle has been tough, no doubt. The weather is so cold and I've had to get a hole new wardrobe! Life here has also been a lot less stressful. In Nigeria we were working everyday to survive. Now we are actually living! -
Living the Dream
Well its official.. Priscilla and I are having a child! We have gathered enough money and we believe that we can support ourselves and a child! Its time to start a family! We are now functioning as normal Canadian citizens and life is perfect!