Immigrant B " Chung Ho Ming"

  • Birth Date

    I left china because I could no longer bear the idea of a better life and hearing all of these stories of great sucess. I cannot stand Idle any longer.
  • The move

    I traveled to Angel island , and i was inspected and their hands were dirty. I lost almost all of my dignity.
  • 4th of july

    I am planing on heading to the golden river and trying to strike it rich.The Americans are celebrating for some reason.
  • Arrival

    I hve arrived on the camp by the golden river the racism is demonic here.
  • Jumped

    I got an ounce of gold today I was so happy, but it is hard to earn a good honest living out here. I was jumped by the white demons and they took all of my gold. :(
  • The jackpot

    I did it I hit the jackpot! I got 5 ounces of gold. I hid the gold in my boot so the wite demons wouldn't take it.
  • The return

    I plan to return home and to take my riches with me. This America isn't as great as Ive heard it sucks. I would only stay if I hadn't hit the jackpot. I am going to make a noodle shop called the Gold River